It’s been interesting – for one thing, the incoming Headteacher came to lunch yesterday. Just sandwiches, a working lunch. He’d got a list of things to discuss and so had I, and there was a lot of overlap. We got on really well – I’ve seen him a couple of times since the interviews back in the autumn, and further conversations have only reinforced my confidence that we’ve done the right thing in appointing him. Which is no end of a relief – though I was absolutely sure from the start, or I wouldn’t have agreed. If you’ve ever made a seriously wrong decision, which I have, you jolly well learn from it.
Today, we had someone look over the house with a view to installing a new heating system. If anyone knows anything about an air to air source heat pump, I’d be glad of an opinion. Please don’t confuse it with an air source heat pump, they are not the same thing, but there seems to be a lot more on the internet about that. I’ve put my engineer son-in-law on the case.
I’ve downloaded a motorcycle theory test app – I’m not sure how much one is tested on for the basic training, but it’s always good to brush up in any case. I’m reasonably sound on the Highway Code, but there are always a few gaps. Less than a fortnight to go before my CBT – ooh. Quite scary. In an ‘I really want to do it, but it’s quite scary’ way. I’m not sure whether to start looking at bikes and clothes and helmet and so on, or whether to wait until I’ve passed – I might not succeed. If I prove to be hopeless at it and decide not to persevere … am I being negative or sensible here? In any case, I’m going to lean heavily on Sir Bruin for help. He’s a good bear.