We’ve caught up with all the work and we’re feeling pretty good about it. LT bought a new light box and it’s made things a lot quicker and easier. So encouraged was I that I’ve cropped all the photos, so that’s a job done, and we’re ready to start on the catalogue when I get back.
I’ve just realised that I meant to wash my hair earlier on and I forgot, so it’ll have to be a shower tomorrow at Dee’s instead. I just don’t like showers, even the nicest of them. Okay in a very hot country but otherwise they’re just so intrusive, rather than relaxing, as a bath is. And the worst bit is the sudden cold shock of getting out. It’s not the same with a bath, as your shoulders are out anyway and your whole body is bath heat, so you’re cushioned for the few seconds it takes to get a towel round. But a shower, you’re instantly into the shock of the cold. Even if it’s not very cold at all out there. Anyway. It’s only half past nine but hair that’s washed at this time of the evening goes all bedhairish, however carefully you dry it. *I* dry it, that is.
I’m quite sure that the world is divided into shower lovers and bath lovers, but I don’t know what it says about us, specifically, and there’s no doubt that we can live together amicably, whether on the same side or the other. There’s also the soft versus the hard towel brigade. I’m sure you know which side I’m on, but I wonder if you can work out LT’s angle on the matter.
I must pack my bag and write emails now, darlings. Have a lovely week and, unless there’s unexpected 4G all the way, see you at the weekend.