The most useful thing I’ve bought this year is my little heel lift. It was helpful to be able to adjust it by as little as a millimetre at a time to end up, once I’d got used to it, with 9 mm of lift in my right shoe. It’s meant that I can’t wear open-backed shoes but that’s no problem. I’ve also found that the flat shoes I bought are too flat for me and that I’m best with a 1 – 2 inch heel, though I can wear higher once in a while without problems.
When I went to Italy at the end of April, I knew I’d be walking a lot and also travelling in a coach and by plane, with no chance to stretch my legs out, so I took a good supply of painkillers and took a dose every morning, which was enough to keep me quite happy. However, for the last few weeks I’ve been aware that I’ve started to regain a slightly rolling gait and my leg has hurt most of the time. Since I’ve had arthritis I’ve noticed other people with the distinctive walk – even when you can’t quite call it a limp you look like a hoary old salt on shore leave. Certainly, it’s noticeable – I’m often asked if I’ve hurt my leg, even when I don’t think I’m walking funny at all.
This morning, I remembered where I put the pack with the other layers of the lift and I’ve added another. It’s helped. Slightly depressing to accept that I’ve lost more from my hip though. Once I get to more than half an inch lost, I’ll add an extra rubber heel to each right shoe, but after that I suppose I’ll have to consider built-up shoes.
The other depressing thing is that I’m doing nothing to cause it. I’m not overweight – though nor am I thin, which maybe is the only next place to aim – I walk as much as is normal for a reasonably active person, and cycle for preference, I don’t do things that put unnecessary strain on my hip and, as the doctor recommended, I cycle quite a lot. Therefore, it’s not what I’m doing or not doing that is causing it to deteriorate, but just the natural effect of arthritis. It’s quite interesting really.
Anyway, in other news … yesterday, the Sage spotted a kestrel diving towards the chicken run, with the bantams making a commotion. He hurried over, but fortunately the baby phantam had managed to take cover. Now, she and her mother are in a coop on the lawn. Mother is still hopefully sitting on some eggs but, being half pheasant, the baby is quite happy running around a lot of the time and doesn’t mind not being under mum’s wing.
Otherwise – the hot weather is making me extremely cheerful. I love it. Different matter if you have to get to work and slog in an office all day, especially in a city, but I’m thoroughly enjoying the rarity of summer weather.