Actually, the journey home could have been better. I got on the train, rejected my reserved seat (facing backwards) and settled at a table. A middle-aged couple joined me. She sat opposite, he sat next – I’d have thought that they should have faced each other or sat side by side, so I already had personal space issues.
Darling, she talked. Awfully pukka, but not actually strident, but she never shut up for a minute for the whole journey. She and her husband had some papers and magazines each, she commented on every damn article in hers, passed them over and commented on everything in his/now hers. Additionally, I know the results of her asthma test, her opinions on wine, rugby and Mike Tindall in particular, and a number of other subjects too. I’m not sure whether she was trying to impress her husband or me (she caught my jaundiced eye a few times), or just generally unable to shut the hell up, but I was edgy. I couldn’t concentrate on my book. In fact, I went to sleep for a few minutes, just to get away.
One of the reasons I was glad to have a chance to talk to Chris, was that he is a delightful long-term blogger who is not afraid to take breaks, sometimes protracted ones. I was slightly alarmed, a few weeks ago, when Diamond Geezer talked about his daily blogging compulsion. He’s blogged far longer than I have…but all the same. I do feel a bit of it and, in nearly six years of blogging, I feel a mild pride that I have always written at least as many posts as there are days in a year. However, maybe less should be more? I suggested to Christopher that maybe I should wean myself off the daily post and that I might write better for it, and he thought that was a good idea…not that he suggested I write badly…no need to say a word, Chris…
Anyway, I’m mulling. And I think that, next year, I’m going to miss odd days or even weeks, on occasion. I used to not write when I was away, but that’s changed with the iPhone. Though that’s another matter, especially when I go away on my own. It can be that I want to share experiences with when I don’t have anyone to talk to in the evenings. Hmm. But, quite self-centredly, I asked for advice and received it dispassionately, so the least I can do is take it on board. If I do start to take breaks – and I don’t think that will be easy – I’ll give you fair warning. It isn’t less of a contribution to blogging, which I enjoy very much, just a personal thing.
I write daily and sometimes it’s pretty good and sometimes it’s pretty dull. It’s a sort of discipline, to write every day, because I found, a long time ago, that if I don’t write regularly then I feel that, when I do write, it has to be ‘better’. Six years on, I should be over that, and maybe my discipline should go in a different direction.
Tomorrow, I’ll write my Zado Annie post. Oh dear. Charming gay salesmen, hey.