Tomorrow is a red letter day, as we’re planning to go to Ely and, after visiting the food etc festival at the cathedral, we’re meeting Indigo Roth and his lovely Lisa for tea. LT and I are very sociable in theory, but we’re not actually very good at forward planning for those sort of events, so we’re doing rather well. It happens to be Indigo’s birthday this weekend, so buying him tea and cake is pretty appropriate.
It was the AGM of the high school academy trust this morning – I’m still a trustee, though no longer a governor. I’m fairly well out of the day to day stuff now, but I found myself asking a lot of questions and discovered that I’m still very interested and engaged with everything. It’s quite possible that two or three schools will enter into a multi-academy trust within the next year (this possibility has been announced in the local paper so I’m not breaching a confidence) and, in that case, I’ll sign it over and step down, but until then it’s still ‘my’ school. It surprised me slightly, how quickly I re-engaged with it all and that my mind snapped right back into focus. Retirement isn’t actually that good for the brain, now I think about it. Not that I’m tempted back.
What also engages my interest is having lots of people to cook for, so I’m happy that the family is all coming for lunch on Saturday – though admittedly, I’ve delegated puddings and if I hadn’t, I’d have bought them. But lunch for 15 is sheer pleasure. We’re having roast pork.
Hello Zoe. Quite agree with your conclusion that retirement is NOT good for the grey matter. It seems to me that a great many retired folk die of sheer boredom – still, I think both you and I have a duty to make sure that this doesn’t happen to us. I keep trying to find interesting work to do, and I’m sure you do the same. Hope so anyway.
Warm regards to both of you from both of us – Mike and Ann.
P.s. Please give our regards to Indigo.
Please give our regards to Indigo.
P.s. And wish him many happy returns of this weekend.
I’ve done that, he says thank you and sends regards back!
And yes, re the grey matter. Yet I don’t want to work as hard and have all the worries that I used to – haven’t quite found the balance yet! Hope to see you and Ann before long.