First on Z’s list: make a list

I slept very badly last night, very well the night before. I’m bored with myself, so I won’t inflict more of that on you.

Today was another street market in Yagnub, this time the Christmas Fair. There were some good things there, though I noticed that the busiest stalls were the food and drink ones, also plants, including wreaths and so on. I hope everyone did well, it was bitterly cold and the stallholders kept on smiling. It was very busy, pedestrian traffic at a standstill quite a lot. I bought some plants and pickles, a cup of mulled cider and a venison burger. “Onions and cheese?” asked the assistant. “Oh yes, please.” And I added ketchup. As I got back to the car, I saw Jane (whom I chatted to last night) – two and a half years and we’ve spoken twice within 18 hours. She will come and call for coffee soon and I’ve promised to go to the Christmas concert she’s singing in, the weekend after next. And to take Wink, of course.

I’ve also invited myself over to Weeza’s, tomorrow or the next day – she and Phil have the week off, because they’re having all the downstairs windows replaced. Very big windows in their huge, ex-chapel living room, although they’ll be removed and replaced one at a time, it will be very cold this week at the Weezery. They’ll see how it’s going, whether they feel able to come out for lunch and which day. I’ll be busy every other day. In fact, every day anyway, because Al calls in on a Monday while Squiffany does her St John Ambulance training and Wink is coming home on Tuesday. Her plane is due at Heathrow about midday, so any time from 4 onwards. She will want a simple, relaxed dinner, which will be either fish or cauliflower cheese – or maybe both, of course. She sent me an anxious message this morning, having caught up on the Razor and wondered if I’m okay. Yes, I am, I don’t know how I come over, but I’m mostly all right.

I’d “tidied” papers, a couple of weeks ago, by just heaping them in two piles. So I finally got around to sorting them out. I found one unopened letter, don’t know how that happened, which needs to be dealt with and two other things I knew I needed to find. One was a subscription, which I’ve paid. The other, I’m still funking. It’s a difficult email, which I printed out so that I could consider my response, but I still haven’t re-read it. I’m getting to the stage where I need to make lists, I think.

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