Z drives 500 miles. Or thereabouts.

Wink had her follow-up appointment after her hip operation, so we headed south and west. It all went well, she’s got the go-ahead to drive again and doesn’t need to be seen unless she asks to be. I’m mostly knackered. Having not done a lot of driving for a while, about ten hours in two days has wiped me out. But never mind, it was in a good cause.

I was going to write a reference (very favourable) for my (soon to be ex) tenant this evening, but I’m too tired. Tim cooked dinner, which was a straightforward tomato sauce – lots of garlic, onion, tin of tomatoes, olive oil, bit of saffron, some basil – with goujons of monkfish dropped in and poached. Nothing with it, very simple and digestible, which is just right for a tired Z. I’ve had a bath and I’m probably going to be in bed before 10. Possibly before 9, but I know that’s a recipe for wakeful early hours.

There is a lot of blossom about, down in the West country. Blackthorn isn’t in flower here, but it is there. And the early trees – what are the first that aren’t willow? Not cherry, I don’t think, but plum? Almond? Gardens looked graceful and hedgerows were a joy. I love to see the changing landscape in early spring, as leaves and blossom emerge.

3 comments on “Z drives 500 miles. Or thereabouts.

  1. Blue Witch

    Pleased that Wink is mended.

    Not sure how you manage 10 hours driving over two days… it’s all I can do to do an hour on a motorway these days! And that’s without much traffic. Goodness knows what happens when the mad hoardes are out and about again in a few weeks.

  2. Z Post author

    There are still a lot of hedgerows, Di, though they get cut back pretty hard. But driving from here to Norwich is one of my great pleasures in the second half of March, because there are a lot of blackthorn hedges and they’re so pretty in flower. Of course, we’re not supposed to travel unless there’s a good reason to do so at present and I don’t think seeing blossom counts.

    Oh BW, I used to be able to do it, even a few months ago. i went down several times (that’s just four hours each way) last summer and autumn to help her pack up, but it really was hard this time. In bed by 9, two nights in a row. There was a lot of traffic on the motorways, mostly lorries. Now the Covid testing centres are up and running, I think continental freight is working again – for now, anyway. They’ve still got to thrash out longterm agreements and I’m not sure anyone is feeling conciliatory on either side.


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