Too much stuff

We have a fairly large, ugly, useful porch. It is a small room really … my in-laws used to call it ‘the loggia’ and sit in it on sunny days and have afternoon tea there. But we turned the back porch into half of the study, so we need somewhere to keep the wellies and the chicken food, and a word like ‘loggia’ is too high-falutin’ for me anyway, so the porch it is, and it is usually full of stuff.

That is, a large cupboard, a large chest freezer, a small upright freezer, the aforementioned wellies and chicken feed, and other general stuff.

Plus, today, a quantity of assorted furniture, several black bags full of curtains, cushions and things like that, boxes of books, several mirrors, tables and other furnishing-type stuff. And two banjos which belonged to my grandfather.

We’re finally clearing the last of my mother’s possessions from Al and Dilly’s house. They have kindly housed them for the last few years, but now need the space. And El and son-in-law Phil are coming for the weekend to decorate the room, so it must be empty. I’ve cleared as much as I can for now, but there still is a corner cupboard, a gate-legged dining table, an antique commode, a chest of drawers, a large armchair, a ditto clock and a couple of other things I can’t quite remember, which Al this evening or Phil tomorrow will have to help with because the Sage and I are old and weak and need our children to look after us.

So this afternoon will be spent in finding places for all this furniture etc, as I know what we are like – if we leave it there for more than a day, we will believe it belongs there and it’ll never be moved. I have also just counted up and realised that there will be ten of us for lunch tomorrow (including the baby), which is wonderful as I like nothing more than a full table, but I need to start wondering what we are going to eat, and doing something about it.

So, what’s the first thing to do? I’m a busy woman, how can I best use my time?

Spend 15 minutes blogging about being busy of course.

4 comments on “Too much stuff

  1. PI

    Your entrance sounds as enticing as ours. We have a nice front door which is always locked, leads into a small porch – then the hall but it is round the south side of the house so people are used to coming through the gate, through the garage – full of white furniture and wine, through the porch, kitchen, hall and voila. It’s a bit embarassing if it’s somdbody new and without fail, as they leave they try to go through the outside loo.

  2. Z

    If ever anyone comes to the front door we know they are strangers. And when they leave, they haven’t a clue which door to aim at.
    The porch is only ugly because its glass side is all metal framed Crittal (if that’s how you spell it) windows and doors. When that finally falls apart we’ll have wood and that will be much nicer. We’ve been meaning to do it for years……..

  3. Z

    Our next-door neighbours had one when I was a child. It was upholstered in red, with a white fringe. We used to be invited round for tea and I sat there with my little legs dangling, not able to reach the ground.


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