Hop the poorly chicken is getting much better. She was on her feet this morning, looking her formerly-usual self. I picked her up – she is very tame now – and offered her food, but put her back in the coop with the food next to her quite quickly, as I don’t want to be doing this job forever.
I’d found it hard to get to sleep and then woke very early, so I got up at about 5, after listening to quite a lot of radio, and washed my hair and then got back into bed. Inevitably, I finally fell asleep again for a few minutes, which was useful as I’d probably not have got through the day otherwise. Norwich first thing, to the optician to pick up my new glasses, then Nadfas, lunch and home again for a meeting on Office.
I’ve regrettably broken my new rule of not cancelling a pleasure for an obligation. I did say it wasn’t convenient, but the Head – actually, he’s not a headteacher any longer, now I think of it, he’s a CEO – persuaded me and then asked if I’d turn up in a bad temper? Had he ever seen me in a bad temper, I asked? He’d heard of my reputation.
We’re friends enough to tease.
I’ve given Weeza the good news that she won’t have to have a chicken on her lap when she comes to housesit. She’s pleased about that. I must buy more cat food for eCat, so that she doesn’t have to eke it out. Ecat will tell her that she’s starving, at least ten times a day.