
I seem to remember that the last time I mentioned things I’d never done, they included being on a motorbike, and we all know where that led, and is still leading.  All the same, here are some more nevers.

I have never worn dungarees or shoes with platform soles.  Russell has never worn jeans or a teeshirt.

I have never lived with a cat.

I have never lived in a new house.

I had never kept a daily journal (as opposed to an appointment diary) for more than a few months until I started blogging.  What a transformation!

I have never visited Scandinavia.  Nor the Americas, nor Australasia.  I don’t get out much, frankly.

I have a stepbrother whom I have never met, and I don’t see how I’m ever likely to.

I have never swum naked, and that’s another really unlikely one.

I have never run a marathon, bungee jumped or parachuted and I never will (forbidden on medical grounds).

I have never lived alone.

I have never read a Harry Potter book or seen one of the films all through (when one is on at Christmas, it has always sent me to sleep).  This is no boast but a simple matter of fact.

20 comments on “Tennevers

  1. Tim

    Leaving aside the never having met a stepbrother (which is an impossibility as I don’t have one), I’ve done all of these. Even the platform heels.

  2. Mike and Ann

    I’ve never had a never met stepbrother.
    You very kindly do give us a choice in one (never worn dungarees OR platform soles) and as I have worn dungarees, I can honestly say I’ve done all bar the stepbrother one, as I have met him.
    Now I’m going to ask Ann.
    P.s. Never been to Austalasia, though.

  3. Liz

    Sir Bruin has also worn platform heels – I’ve seen the photos.

    I could almost write my own blog post in response to your list. Maybe I’ll do that.

  4. Zig

    other than the jumping out of / off of high things option (and the step-brother) I too have donw them all.. I recommend the dungarees!

  5. Zig

    other than the jumping out of / off of high things option (and the step-brother) I too have donw them all.. I recommend the dungarees!

  6. Mike and Ann

    P.s. Sorry Z. You’re quite right. I haven’t run a marathon or bungee jumped, or actually parachuted from any height, although I have done a short training course on that last one (on a sort of ‘just in case’ basis).

  7. luckyzmom

    I have a half brother whom I have never met and am unlikely to ever meet. Harry Potter sends me to sleep too. I haven’t run a marathon, bungee jumped or parachuted (although I did taxi in an F111 all weather fighter bomber once). Never been to Scandinavia nor Australasia.


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