I have never worn dungarees or shoes with platform soles. Russell has never worn jeans or a teeshirt.
I have never lived with a cat.
I have never lived in a new house.
I had never kept a daily journal (as opposed to an appointment diary) for more than a few months until I started blogging. What a transformation!
I have never visited Scandinavia. Nor the Americas, nor Australasia. I don’t get out much, frankly.
I have a stepbrother whom I have never met, and I don’t see how I’m ever likely to.
I have never swum naked, and that’s another really unlikely one.
I have never run a marathon, bungee jumped or parachuted and I never will (forbidden on medical grounds).
I have never lived alone.
I have never read a Harry Potter book or seen one of the films all through (when one is on at Christmas, it has always sent me to sleep). This is no boast but a simple matter of fact.
I vote that you tackle #5. The welcome mat will always be out for you here!
Doing some of those thing would be life enriching experiences. You should try them.
Thank you, Martina x
Not the dungarees perhaps, Irene!
What would that list look like if you cross-referenced with a “want to do” list?
Hey Z! Many of those things are very much worth doing, especially the Americas, Australasia and Scandinavia! Not so sure about the dungarees, mind…
Been to the US of A! Worn platform shoes, and wedges in the early 80’s. Skinny dipped, too!
Leaving aside the never having met a stepbrother (which is an impossibility as I don’t have one), I’ve done all of these. Even the platform heels.
Perceptive Sir B.
As I say, I don’t get out much!
I’ve never had a never met stepbrother.
You very kindly do give us a choice in one (never worn dungarees OR platform soles) and as I have worn dungarees, I can honestly say I’ve done all bar the stepbrother one, as I have met him.
Now I’m going to ask Ann.
P.s. Never been to Austalasia, though.
Sir Bruin has also worn platform heels – I’ve seen the photos.
I could almost write my own blog post in response to your list. Maybe I’ll do that.
Nor, I should have written. Thank you for the correction, Mike.
Do, Liz!
other than the jumping out of / off of high things option (and the step-brother) I too have donw them all.. I recommend the dungarees!
other than the jumping out of / off of high things option (and the step-brother) I too have donw them all.. I recommend the dungarees!
Oh – if you say that, Zig, you might sway me!
btw, Mike, you’ve run a marathon and bungee jumped? Gosh!
Oh, all right, the bit of no. 8 I have done was ‘I never will’.
What none of them? Oh, Tim, you do surprise me 🙂
P.s. Sorry Z. You’re quite right. I haven’t run a marathon or bungee jumped, or actually parachuted from any height, although I have done a short training course on that last one (on a sort of ‘just in case’ basis).
I have a half brother whom I have never met and am unlikely to ever meet. Harry Potter sends me to sleep too. I haven’t run a marathon, bungee jumped or parachuted (although I did taxi in an F111 all weather fighter bomber once). Never been to Scandinavia nor Australasia.
LZM, I’ve always known we’re sisters under the skin!