Brilliant lecture on Whistler today, and all went well afterwards too. Gus is a month old today, he dozed in my arms much of the afternoon while Weeza did her cooking, then I went to meet Ro. Very good film, Tinker, Tailor… – afterwards, Ro asked if I’d found it hard to follow too. I had expected to, remembering the TV series of about 30 years ago, when no one understood what was going on until the last episode. I clarified a couple of points for him – bit of an innocent it seems, my R …
I think I’m all ready for tomorrow, got the flat keys in my bag, Wink’s electric toothbrush that she left behind here, also in my bag, but I’ve got to buy Lynn’s birthday present first thing tomorrow. Also got tips for the delivery men in an envelope. Noted my ticket reference number, and have the correct credit card (having missed cocking that up by a whisker last time, I was very careful this time round) and I’ve confirmed meeting times and places with Wink and Lynn. This is all very good and sensible. Usually, I arrange one thing and then go to an exhibition or do something on a whim. No time tomorrow, as there are firm arrangements at 12.30, 3.00 and 6.00 pm, plus my train home at 8 in the evening. I have warned the Sage that he has to prepare his own dinner.
Dave was talking, this morning, about the contrast in his nature between making careful plans, and being quickly bored. I do plan, although nowhere near as carefully as he does, but rather like winging it to an extent. It’s the back-up, so that something going wrong doesn’t mean disaster, that I’m a bit excessive about. I worry in advance, which helps me think of pitfalls, so that I can think of get-outs, and then I can relax and not fuss when the time comes. What I tend not to do, when going somewhere new, is read up about it in advance. Maybe a little, so that I know places I want to go, but I prefer to learn while I’m there, not to read all the guidebooks and have formed a viewpoint in advance. But that, I suspect, is because I’m disorganised rather than having an explorer’s curiosity.