Z thinks ahead. Thinking may be as far as it gets…

We’re getting ready for the auction on Wednesday.  I’m nearly there, I’ve printed out most of the paperwork and just have the bidders’ numbers to go – they have to go on card rather than paper and I haven’t fished it out yet and put it in the printer.  I also have to cut sheets of A4 in half, for the sale invoices.

Weeza and the children are coming over on Tuesday to see Daphne, so I’ve got to be all set by tomorrow afternoon at latest.  I haven’t seen them for ages, probably a couple of months.  Not sure where the time has gone.

We had a bit of business to do in London today, so drove down, as we can park on a Sunday.  As we passed the turn-off to Ely, I remembered that I have promised LT that I’ll take him there one day – but two summers have passed and we haven’t got around to it.  We did make it up to North Norfolk once, mostly because we had a day in hand when we were looking after Zerlina and Gus, but clearly we potter around far too much and don’t actually do enough.  We still haven’t managed a honeymoon yet.  Next year.  As we said about this time a year ago…

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