A number of things done, but the most time and effort consuming still to come. Never mind, I still feel quite awake this evening, which is not typical any longer.
I have mostly been cooking. I’ve made a chicken casserole, a sausage casserole and braised beef, so that Charlotte will have plenty to eat while I’m away. Have I mentioned this? I can’t remember. I’m going to be away for a week from Friday and will have little, if any access to the internet. What I’ll probably do is write a post on my phone and, if I get a chink of wifi, post it. If not, know that I’m not ignoring you deliberately. I also made two cakes – fruit cake and gingerbread.
I love people to call but it takes time. First it was Jamie this morning, then Graham – who was working again and is still absolutely wonderful. Well, so is Jamie. Good, good friends. Then David, with daughter Nic and son Keith. Then lunch with Graham. What did I do afterwards? Well, all that cooking, then I fed animals, fetched in logs (I don’t need coal on the fire now, but a blaze is still nice in the evenings, though I haven’t bothered tonight as it’s so mild) and watered the greenhouse and the veggies – it’s so warm and dry, my light soil has dried already. Then more friends called round, who have altered and repaired bits of jewellery for Zig. Then I went out to fill fuel cans with petrol, then did a few bits of admin, which I realise I haven’t quite finished. One bill still to pay, must look for that. Oh, two. I’ll do them now.
Brief pause while I log on…
Right, they’re done. Internal Drainage Board for which I get a fantastic service for 3p in the £, a total of £13.53 for a year – they dredge my beck as well as look after the river, it’s remarkable. And one of my credit cards. I was a late convert to internet banking, having been highly suspicious of its security, but it’s just so useful and I wouldn’t want to manage without.
Before I leave, I must do more governor stuff, including writing the agenda for the next meeting. I need to pay cheques into the bank and post the bracelets for Ziggi. Sadly, she is not well enough to come on holiday with us. She hasn’t got over her last chemotherapy yet, which is so distressing for all of us who care for her, especially her lovely daughters. She needs all willpower, prayer, positive vibes, love – whatever combination ticks your personal box.
I also have more plants to prick out and plant out. Eeek. Lucky it rarely rains in East Angular, I need a fine day.
Good for you taking a little break, exactly what you need. I will send prayers for Zig, the warrior princess. Hope she gets over that latest chemo session soon.
Travel well and return safely
Thank you