Z shadebathes

I never lie about in the sun, of course.

I’m ever more relaxed. Having abandoned makeup, today I didn’t bother with a contact lens. Worse, or possibly better, I ventured into the sea (which is markedly warmer than it was last Friday) and afterwards dispensed with a bra. More relaxed than that doesn’t really come, darlings, not at my age.

There’s a good deal of anxiety here about the future. Most people want to stay with the euro because they’re worried about massive devaluation if the drachma is reintroduced, but they are preparing themselves for what might come. Hotel prices are being reduced, though a lack of holidaymakers isn’t a problem at present – however, they have less to spend and that is.

I hadn’t realised quite how much beautiful countryside there is in Corfu. I have the advantage that my friends know the island very well and are taking me to the loveliest places, but they certainly aren’t hard to find. Peter is an ex-professional photographer so my casual snaps risk making him wince – I’ve promised to send them to him – but I can’t go that far wrong, surely.

It’s very hot, too hot for Pam though not for me, oddly enough. Just as long as there’s some shade, I don’t mind how hot it is.

Toodle-pip, darlings. Hope you’re all having fun.

Zoë xx

Sent from my iPhone

10 comments on “Z shadebathes

  1. Gledwood

    Can the sea really get warmer over a few days?… well I suppose it must do. I just keep thinking of the British sea and how terrifically COLD it is…

    About 11 years ago I went to Goa and that was like being in a wave machine swimming pool. Amazing!

  2. PixieMum

    Yesterday our reading group was discussing “Songs of blue and gold” by Deborah Lawrenson much of which is set in Corfu. It was decided the book would be a good holiday read, we decided it had made some of us wish to visit the island too.

    I suspect Worthing is going to be my sea side destination this year when we are required to cat sit.

  3. Liz

    I have never been to Greece or any of its islands. It sounds lovely and I look forward to seeing your photos.

    PS: What happened to being off-line while you are on holiday?

  4. Zig

    how lovely it sounds, wish I was there too!
    I can relax like that but you need to warm if not hot and it’s freezing here Z – had to put the heating back on!

  5. Roses

    Oh, that sounds heavenly.

    Though I am concerned that you’re waiting until 7.30 to imbibe.

    Darling, happy hour starts at 5 pm. Please don’t be late.

  6. mig

    I’ve wanted to go to Corfu ever since reading My Family and Other Animals. Are there tortoises and wild strawberries every where?
    well I’m just off to the canal for a while. I shall dream of corfu while the rain pours down outside the boat.
    So glad you”re having a good time.


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