I have been asleep, but a nurse came in to check my drip. They’d taken that out during the afternoon but put it back overnight. The nurse wasn’t being inconsiderate, someone had rung their bell which they knew would wake me. My bedroom door is open, presumably so that they can peep in on me without disturbing me. Hope that won’t last another night.
I’m perfectly comfortable but it’s hard not to move. If not for the wedge between my legs, I’d have turned in my sleep for sure. And I can’t possibly bother a nurse for a little thing – the blanket was folded back and off my right toes ( the sheet is there) and I was a little chilly just there, but how prima donna would that be? Anyway, I asked her to move it when she came in, so it’s fine now.
Also, I’m under instructions to own up to the least discomfort. I put ‘pain’ but there isn’t any – I am on analgesics of course. But it makes one feel a wuss to do so.
I’m still on oxygen, a nifty little tube that goes over both ears. The ends go into the tip of my nose rather like those little plastic moustaches one gets in a Christmas cracker (sorry to use the c word already but I don’t want you to imagine a biscuit, like a fortune cookie with prizes). It feels like wearing comfortable goggles with no lenses. I think all the tubes and stuff will come out later, especially if I can walk as far as the bathroom, and I see no reason why not.
The anaesthetist was surprised I didn’t ask for a sedative. He said I was the first patient of his not to. I wasn’t showing off, it genuinely was fine. I wouldn’t have opted for that if it was an operation the outcome of which I was scared about. Or maybe I would, I’ve just remembered. I’d want to know at once.
Not that I meant to take a gloomy turn. I might listen to the iPod for a bit. Dinu Lipati, Tom Waits and Hoagy Carmichael have been cheering me so far, along with an assortment of music that Julie (Hey Bartender) sent me two or three years back.
I’ve been good and asked for fruit juice, plain yoghurt and toast for breakfast. But I have splashed out decadently and requested marmalade.
Don’t try and be too stoic. If it hurts, tell the nurse. Especially the first two or three days. You don’t want the pain to interfere with starting to be mobile. Do they still serve hot Ovaltine/Horlicks just before bedtime at English hospitals?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they do here, not that I’m likely to ask for it. More likely to be tea with the NHS.
That’s the thing about hospitals. Can’t sleep in them unless you’re uber ill or tired. And the boring. Although! Since I never have cable at home it’s always nice to see what’s on the tv there.
I’m still doing some catch up on reading your blog- did you get some nifty aps for your iPod?
We’ve not got the pain relief quite sorted yet. It still aches a lot. Still, nothing more than i’m used to. I’m hoping to be out Monday or tuesday.
I knew I’d not be able to get any rest on a ward, E – very glad to have my own room. I turned on the tv briefly last night but I can’t read the onscreen guide without my specs!
Apps. Don’t you love ’em? I’ve not got lots yet but I’m having a lot of fun.
I am glad to hear you sound in good sprits, take care Z
I am glad to hear you sound in good sprits, take care Z
I am glad to hear you sound in good sprits, take care Z
I read your comment to say that you were hopping to be out Monday or Tuesday. Hopping may not be ideal. Use the zimmer frame.
Trouble is, once anyone’s experienced the private healthcare system, they’ll never want to go back to the NHS…
Pleased it’s all going well.
Hope the marmalade is up to scratch. Which reminds me – I must try to track down some Seville oranges, because I think you said the other day that they were around.
Thanks – I’m feeling cheered to have had some breakfast. It’s been a long time without food.
Hang on, Dave, you’re correcting a typo I didn’t actually make? Ooh, you are a scamp.
It’s true, BW, like upgrading on a flight. The toast was hot and fresh and the tea Earl Grey.
Marmalade was shredless, sadly, but nice otherwise. I hear Seville oranges have been affected by cold so the crop isn’t large – but that may have been a rumour. But they’re certainly in the shops now.
Hoagy Carmichael is good when your resistance is low.
A Geek writes:
You iPhone is proving a real boon – I’m v. impressed with the length and accuracy of your posting Z.
Do you use Google Mobile Reader for phone blogging or just open blogs in Safari?
Hospitals in France serve – to most patients – 30cl of red wine with every meal except breakfast. Last time I was in (cardiac wing in Toulouse) the wine did wonders but marmalade at breakfast was sadly lacking.
You seem in good spirits and that’s good news!
Marmalade *gasp*
You say it hurts – “but not more then I am used to” – shouldn’t it stop to hurt?
I also listened to Louis Armstrong singing Mack the Knife, Rog.
I keep deleting the last letter when I mean to hit m, but otherwise it’s quite easy.
I use Safari, but I haven’t got many blogs bookmarked so mostly I can only visit people who’ve commented. I will get to grips with it eventually but I ran out of time. I usually use Bloglines, rather than Google for everything, but it’s getting squeezed out – some blogs don’t update.
They do serve wines here, Christopher but with the assorted medication I’m taking, even I think wine isn’t a good idea.
I felt a bit feeble this morning but better once I’d eaten.
Well, I did have bone cut out. It’d be bound to hurt. It took a while to find painkillers that were much use. Disappointingly, morphine didn’t do it, probably because they gave me very little. And codeine wasn’t a lot of help either.
It is best to be comfortable and not have to play carch up with the pain. This is not the time to be Wonder Woman.