I’m saying this here first, though I should put it on my website first, but we have an auction this autumn, in spite of the pandemic. My fabulous and lovely auctioneer has agreed that it will be based at her firm’s salesroom as my hired venue isn’t suitable. We have got 95 lots and I’ve got quite a lot of work to do in the next few days, typing out the detailed descriptions (I research everything to be sure, even when I know) and finalising the condition report.
Wink and Veronica are coming to stay next weekend, so that’s my deadline. V is going to stay with Wink for a few days, then coming here in her own car so that she can return to Canterbury without going via Wiltshire. Next weekend, we’re hoping for fine weather – very much unlike the present conditions – so that the whole family can eat outside. Veronica is Ro’s godmother and such a dear friend that she was one of only three that I invited (non-family and not local) to our wedding, nearly four years ago.
I know her through Russell, in fact. Her father was a Colonel in the Indian army and she lived in India until she was 8, when her father retired and bought a big house three miles from here. The families became friends and, in Russell’s case, lifelong friends. They both lived (not together, it wasn’t like that) in London in the 1960s and got up to all sorts of escapades together. She was even allowed to drive his Lotus.
I was immensely jealous when I discovered he’d owned a Lotus. He didn’t have it for very long, in fact, as it was very unsuitable for London traffic, even in the 1960s, mainly because it was so low to the ground. He felt that he was invisible to lorries and it jolted at every bump in the road, too. I asked him about bringing it back here – surely it caused a sensation in Norfolk, even though it was designed and built here? Um, no, he never brought it home. He never actually told his mum and dad that he’d bought it. Pa had helped him buy a more sensible car and he felt unable to admit that he’d blued his savings on a snazzy sports car.
He sold it at a profit though, so that was all right.
A lotus!! Oh, that Russell.
He enjoyed life.