Presents are wrapped!!(!)

Al and Dilly spent three hours making up vegetable orders tonight, arriving home after 11.30. The Sage babysat. I wrapped presents. This is remarkable – I don’t think I’ve ever wrapped presents this early before. Still, at least we haven’t got a Christmas tree up yet, so there isn’t too keen an air of preparedness.

I haven’t bought the Sage a present yet either. Pfft. Still two shopping days left. Well, three I suppose, but I won’t have time on Sunday.

Al and I will go into the shop at 6 tomorrow morning to set things up. All his assistants will be arriving at 8.30 – with five of them, there will hardly be room for customers.

6 comments on “Presents are wrapped!!(!)

  1. Z

    Do you mean the teabowl? That was three years ago, but I only told you about it a few months ago. Since then, we have been extremely lucky on eBay, but that was a joint decision to buy, not a present.

  2. luckyzmom

    I don’t have anything I need to buy, but I still want to go shopping. I love the feel of last minute shopping and love to pretend I am part of it.

    My husband isn’t very forthcoming about his desires. So, usually he gets things I’ve found for him and just saved to give him at Christmas; a couple of shirts, a tie, slippers. It is always exciting for me when I am able to pick up on something he would really like.

    Good luck finding something for the Sage.


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