That all went well. It just happened. I’ve had to sign in to a few things of course, such as Spotify, but that was fine. The only thing that caused me some difficulty was when i wanted to buy Microsoft Office, because I had to sign in via a Hotmail account and I don’t use them any more. I used to have three and Russell had one, but there was a time when I found them quite unwieldy and so turned to gmail instead. Two of the accounts had lapsed but I have emails redirected from the other two, so they continue. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the password for Russell’s email and that was the one they were directing me to use. I tried the last password I remembered for it, but that wasn’t it and there seemed to be no way I could find of resetting it without having it already. I was still logged in on my old computer, but surely there’s a way? Anyway, I was running out of time as I was due to go out to lunch. So I made sure I knew the password to my account and was able to change to that. After that it was straightforward, of course, but it was silly.
Tomorrow, I must turn my attention to the bonfire. I haven’t built it yet – or rather, it was only started yesterday, for fear of hibernating hedgehogs settling down for the winter. It’s so mild at present that I can’t imagine a hedgehog will snuggle in the next couple of days. I have plenty more stuff to go on it, the only problem being that it’s been pretty wet recently and it may well be hard to light. I’ll have to get a stash together under cover and not add it until the last. I also must get fireworks and food. Yvonne, from the shop Russell used to go to, has retired in the last year and I’ll have to see where has them. It was always his job.
Russell’s family used to make much of Guy Fawkes night as it was also his father’s birthday and therefore an excuse for a party. The same couldn’t be said for my family when I was a child. An imperfectly-attached Catherine Wheel had chased my sister apparently and unnerved everyone. Since magnificent professional displays were set off over Oulton Broad from the bottom of our garden, it never seemed to matter. Though – with due safety precautions, of course – I rather like little, home firework parties. They’re nice, old fashioned family pleasures.