‘My bag is packed and I’m (almost) ready to go’

I spent three hours in the greenhouse this morning and that’s fit to be left for ten days as long as it’s watered, the heating is put on and off night and morning, and observation is carried out for the possibility of frost, so that extra-propagator plants can be covered if necessary. I have planted out lettuces, cabbages, broad beans, potatoes, spinach and swiss chard and netted the first two against pigeons and doves, giving advice that the spinach should be observed so that it can also be covered at first sign of attack. I have made polite suggestions as to what preparations in the veg garden and the other greenhouse would absolutely thrill me, if done by my return, so that I can plant out more stuff. I have sorted out the tomatoes, lettuces etc that are surplus to requirements for Al to sell.

The house is a bit of a tip. It will be more so by the time I return. I meant to change the bedlinen yesterday and wash it, but ran out of time. I have turned the duvet and pillows upside-down. Hey, we both bath every night, the Sage won’t even notice. No danger that he will change the sheets.

I meant to leave at 1, but I’ve still got wet hair, a bare face and I’m eating brie and cucumber. I’ll leave at 1.30.

I have packed, including 8 books, 2 back editions of Tough Puzzles and a bit of paperwork that has to be done and posted by tomorrow. However, all sale-related stuff is completed.

You know, for years I didn’t bother going on holiday as it was too much work to get ready before and catch up afterwards. Now, I’ve much less to do but it still seems an awful lot.

Take great care of yourselves whilst I’m not here to look after you. I will, of course, think of you in a protectively talismanic sort of way, and miss you most dreadfully.

Lots of love,


12 comments on “‘My bag is packed and I’m (almost) ready to go’

  1. badgerdaddy

    Hey lovely,
    I always miss the action round these parts.
    You’ve probably already gone – enjoy the trip. And myself and SLF are in Yagnub last weekend of April, in case you’d forgotten. I have no idea how long you’re away for, hopefully you’re back by then.

  2. dharmabum

    no wonder everything has been going so well – thanks to z’s protective talismanic thinking 🙂

    u blog more than i can ever manage to read, and definitely more than i can ever imagine to write myself, but everytime i come here, i leave with a warm feeling.

    won’t miss u too much, as i am quite held up with work and all, but will wish u a wonderful time.

  3. Z

    Hello darlings. Yesterday, I received a business call on my mobile, which made me twitchy enough to necessitate a trip into the internet cafe in Penzance. Not the call itself, just that I had one…

    Back home on Monday. Have a good weekend.


  4. Z

    I’m home! Thanks for your comments, I hope you are all well and happy. It’ll take me a few days to catch up with everyone.

    BD, as if I’d forget. Not at all. I’m in the shop on Saturday morning as Eileen is on holiday.

    Dharmabum, what a charming way of saying “blimey, you talk a lot!”


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