It’ll be fun

I’ve had my hair cut unusually short.  This is to make it easier to achieve some sort of style in high heat but with no use of Product.  Because, let’s face it, some waterproof mascara and a shedload of sunscreen is about all I’ll manage in the next few weeks.

I’m so tired tonight that, with my glasses off the screen is blurred, but with them on I’m seeing double.  In short, I’m losing focus.  However, I’m pretty well there for my holiday – and many thanks to Blue Witch for recommending Staysure – for an extra fifteen quid they have covered my hip for a year’s worth of holidays whilst the other quote I had excluded it and charged more to boot.

The family is coming to lunch on Sunday – not Ro and Dora that is, and Weeza is hoping to have a chance at target shooting this time.  That means that I’ll be looking after Zerlina and Gus.  This would be fine, except that I’m playing the organ on Sunday morning – oh darlings, I’ll make it work.  It’ll be fun.

Sums up life really, doesn’t it.  If not, what’s it all for?

5 comments on “It’ll be fun

  1. Macy

    Now then Z, no panic, I’ve been reliably informed that they have broadband and hair products in India.
    Which is more than you can say for here in the Western Infirmary, Glasgow…..

    Enjoy! Have fun!

  2. Z

    Thank you, Wendz – I may manage the odd post here and there, as Macy suggests.

    Macy, so we’ve been right to be worried? Darling, I am sorry, hope things aren’t too bad xxx

  3. mig

    They do have all sorts of useful stuff – very up to date the Indians. I’d bet you can find Marks and Sparks and Boots in the cities.
    I did the big haircut before every exotic holiday and it’s worth it just because it’s cooler!

  4. mig

    Macy is right – they’re very up to date, the Indians. I bet there’s Marks and Sparks and Boots in all the cities. And I did a big haircut before every exotic holiday – it’s worth it because it’s cooler!


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