Is that the time?

I had my Lowestoft auction last night, which really went very well. I bought a couple of pieces myself, which I’m pleased with and there were more people in the salesroom than there have been for a few years. Today, I was tired and I haven’t done very much work, but I’ll get going properly in the morning. I’ve done essential stuff, anyway.

It started raining soon after Wince arrived, so he went home again, but called in this afternoon, just to say hello. Wanting to pay him but knowing he wouldn’t accept anything for the short time he was here, I asked if he’d have time to fill the coal scuttles and wood basket, which he kindly did – and then refused any money, to my embarrassment. I wouldn’t have asked him! But a kindness is always appreciated and we’re good friends.

The chickens are well and they’ve been indoors long enough for anything infectious to have developed. They have plenty of room and are quite happy, so I won’t worry about them.

Rose kindly came and housesat while Wink and I were at the sale. She’s having an operation next month and really isn’t strong enough for the auction, she gets tired by the evening. It was a real help to know the animals were all right and that Eloise cat was happy. My colleague’s daughter came to help and she was great. I knew she was a winner when I heard her ask someone if the piece they’d wanted, some minutes earlier – which was already being looked at by someone else – was still wanted? She’d remembered the piece and who had asked about it – it sounds a straightforward thing, but it’s not natural to everybody. And she instinctively knew how to hold everything carefully and to check no one was coming behind her before moving. When there are several of you bustling around, awareness matters a lot.

Tomorrow, I’ll take some pieces, packed, to be weighed, so I can let clients know the cost of postage. Then I’ll start on the accounts. I’ll begin paying vendors by the weekend – no point in waiting and they appreciate it no end. Most auction houses take up to a month, but I aim to be finished within a week. Short attention span, you see.

2 comments on “Is that the time?

  1. 63mago

    Glad to learn that the chickens are all right. I read alarming things here in the news about that. Also the young lady you mention, the colleague’s daughter, she seems to be at the right place, if I dare say something like this, sorry.
    I hope all will go well, operation(s) included.

    1. Z Post author

      It’s pretty bad here, must be worse on the continent. It seems to have taken a jump into the wild bird population this year, used to be brought in by migrating birds. Very distressing.

      Emily was great, she really fitted in the team.


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