I forgot the password for my laptop. Not having used it for a few weeks, first because I’d been using my fingerprint and then because I didn’t need it for a while, I simply forgot. There are too many passwords to remember and, though I often use the random password generator, this is by no means foolproof either.
I spent most of last evening sorting things out and I’m still not there, but I left it in the end. At least I can use the laptop now. Trying to sign in to one email account, I looked it up in the (password protected, natch) list and discovered that there were three figure 1s, but one of them was in a different style and I couldn’t write it in. I was looking it up on my phone and attempting to type it into the laptop and it was literally impossible. Ronan agreed with me today, he’s found similar problems.
He and the children came over for the day today. His children love to visit here, which I’m so glad about. Their other granny died the other day, having been in failing health for some time. Ronan took them to visit her the other evening and she knew they were there and looked quite peaceful. He hasn’t told them yet, it’s been agreed that Dora, their mum, will tell them.
Weeza is coming over tomorrow as she’s helping me with some legal stuff. I ask for help, nowadays. We’ve got a Zoom call booked with the solicitor. Then Al will drop in for the evening, while Squiffany is at St John Ambulance. Not often I see all three of them so close together, but separately. It’ll be nice.