I arrived home about an hour ago (it’s now 9.20) and have just had scrambled eggs and a glass of wine – just the one, darlings. It seems I don’t miss booze when I don’t have it (I could have, of course, Zig doesn’t keep a dry house, just isn’t quite up to wine herself at present) and I’m not at all surprised to find I can take it or leave it, even if my normal choice is to take it…
I called on Mig for lunch and she sends her love to all. I do hope everyone can get together for next year’s blog party. It’s possible that it may be the last in this house (I have such mixed feelings about leaving, but I know it’s the right thing to do and the sooner the better. Hard things don’t get easier for being delayed), not that it needs to be the last party if people are still good-natured enough to come along.
As ever, it\s a bit melancholy being home alone, other than Ben, not that I’m lonely as such. It’s just that darling Zig and all the animals are so lovely. Her aunt and uncle arrived just before I left and Baby Doc was due this evening, so she is being cherished as she should be. Hold her in your hearts, darlings. She’s strong and courageous, but it’s a tough time for her.
Even those of us who are cherished, strong and courageous benefit from the support and prayers of others. Hope Zig does well and the procedures are a success. I will be sending prayers.
Wilco Z
Welcome home!
Lovely to see you Darling Zoe. Seeing Ziggi soon : )