I find myself with little to say. Zig’s funeral was as moving, sad and joyous as these occasions can be and I can only hope that I meet some of her lovely family and friends again, because she was the connection between me and them. There is, at least, Facebook. No one who knew her will stop missing her and we won’t forget her spirit, warm kindness and wisdom. The word that everyone used about her at some time was ‘fierce,’ which was entirely complimentary and I recognise that in her, though I have never described her as such myself. She was, and is, loved.
And she loved Christmas and celebrations and she always looked forward. So will I. I hope you all have a happy Christmas and, even when things go awry, embrace every opportunity for laughter and love. Re-reading this, it sounds awfully mawkish, but I’ll let it stand. Just put me down as a sentimental old bat and I’ll wrong-foot you another time by coming out with something so desperately inappropriate and tasteless that we will all hear Ziggi cheering me on.
Love to you all, Zxx
I’m crying and laughing.
Well done, Z. A funeral is never easy, especially just before Christmas. But you’ve done Ziggi proud. I’ve just started reading her blog, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while but never had the time, but I knew from what you had said that it would be good. I went back a few years and am still reading it, but what a positive person. I only wish I’d met her, but some things aren’t meant to be. The inevitable will always come, but her spirit is still alive and well. Hope you and yours have a lovely Christmas. xxxx
I worked out a long time ago that you are a sentimental old bat, which shows you have real feelings for others, and I applaud you for it. I, too, am a sentimental old git. When a blogger friend friend passes away I get upset, even though I have never met them in real life.
Altough I read Ziggi’s blog I never commented, now I feel sad that I never did. I don’t know why I didn’t, maybe I was just being silly.
Anyway, I hope that you have a Christmas to remember, and I’ll come back and bother you next year!
More blog-meets next year, I hope!
Merry Christmas!