Back to ‘normal’

I’m home again – nothing much seems to have happened here, which is why half the plants in tubs and a lot of the jerusalem artichokes are wilted. Also, through no fault of Dave, no bricklaying has happened all week. Maybe later this week, the Sage is non-committal.

One evening, when we were having dinner with friends of Wink’s in a pub, another woman, Pip, came to join us for a drink and a chat and Wink mentioned my hip and the conversation turned to hip resurfacing. Another couple were leaving and came and joined in, to tell me that their daughter had her hip done a couple of years ago when she was 32 and it was a great success. Having such a problem at her young age was far worse for her than my old-woman osteoarthritis, and it’s transformed her life. Pip knows quite a lot about it too, and she gave very encouraging reports and likely prognosis – it seems that it could take over from hip replacements in relatively young people who have strong enough bones and last a very long time. I’ve said I’ll definitely go to the doctor and talk to him very soon. Maybe this week if I’m not too busy. Not tomorrow, certainly – Weeza is coming over to start preparations for the next sale catalogue and, as well, I’ve got the children in the morning. All three of them it’ll be, which will be amusing.

I had an email today which, after dealing with the matter we’d emailed each other about, welcomed me home. “It’s not the same without you”, it ended. I’m not at all sure how to take that. If it was a veiled dig, I’m actually rather impressed.

9 comments on “Back to ‘normal’

  1. luckyzmom

    My left hip has begun to bother me lately and I would love to have the less invasive resurfacing done, but it might be difficult to find someone who does it here. I’m wishing you well.

  2. Dave

    I will not be available as the week goes on – I’d set aside all of last week, and the first part of this, but later on have things already booked – and as you know, I’m ruled out for the next two weeks. So unless we get something done today (or tomorrow afternoon) we may lose an entire month’s work.

    Oh well, there’s always next year.

  3. Z

    There is someone at the local Norwich hospital who does it – don’t know if it will be suitable for me but it’s worth asking. Could be worth going to your doctor too? – it’s something better done before the hip is too worn.

    The Sage has a funeral on Friday too – sorry about all this Dave, I’m afraid it’s typical. The Sage takes on so many things and he tends to shelve ones that appear to be going well as a consequence. He is genuinely busy – yesterday he was working with Ben the Builder all afternoon and today he’s starting on the catalogue. I don’t know about tomorrow, I’m free.

  4. lom

    Stop putting it off and go and see your doctor, (this is me with my mommy head on) what ever you are up to will still be there after you have been to see the doctor

  5. Z

    I will, LOM – if my doctor’s not on holiday, that is…

    I’ll phone tomorrow afternoon and see if I can get an appointment on Thursday. Can’t do it tomorrow as it’s our only chance for bricklaying and then I’m out in the evening.

    Damn. Now I’ve said it I’ll have to do it.

  6. Z

    No, I can’t if I want it on Thursday – our doctors don’t do forward booking so I need to phone on the day or the day before. And tomorrow isn’t convenient – we’re doing the china in the morning, bricklaying in the afternoon and I’m going to a concert in the evening. If I’m suitable for this operation, I’ll not want it to be done until next year for my own convenience, so an odd day or two (or week or two) at this stage doesn’t matter.


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