Z’s Saturday

Dilly phoned this morning to say that her car was due to be serviced and could they call in, for Al to fetch them after work – he finishes around lunchtime on a Saturday.  Of course, it was a great pleasure.  We hadn’t seen them for a few weeks, what with holidays and so on.  And after a while, Dilly went with the boys round the village to inspect what was on offer in the village garage/car boot sale – which seemed to be well supported, both by participants and buyers – and Squiffany and I went shopping for lunch.  Pizza was decided upon, with salad, raspberries and ice cream and, after lunch, they all went on to the front field to play golf with the set of clubs they’d just bought.

I took these photos before dead-heading, though I haven’t done it all, a bit too boring.  I’ll have another go tomorrow.  Gentle gardening isn’t for me, I like a project.  Anyway, the lilies are gorgeously scented and there are others, taller ones, that aren’t in flower yet.  The rose is a David Austen one called … oh, can’t remember, Jubilee Celebration or something similar.  I was taking Ben for a walk when we surprised a young bunny, which ran all of ten yards before deciding it was safe and it stayed by the bed for several minutes while we waited patiently.  Ben moved while I was taking the picture so it isn’t very well focussed.

And now Russell has gone for fish and chips.





8 comments on “Z’s Saturday

  1. Mike and Ann

    Hello Z. Good to hear of the family popping in. Come to see the new blog no doubt. Tried to comment this morning but seemed to have lost the knack. This is another try.

  2. kipper

    It wouldn’t take my password so I had to go get a new one just now. A bit of a hassle but easily fixed-hopefully.
    How did you stop Ben from lurching towards the bunny? The lily and roses are beautiful.
    Sad news here, rats have started to appear in the neighborhood. I’m putting outdoor bait stations around the property. The nervy germ ridden rodents have somehow gotten into neighbor’s urban chicken coop and taken the chicken food and pooped. The coop is very sturdy with wire fencing and a cement foundation, so the rats must be very determined. The chickens(including one I was boarding there) have to find a new home. Will miss going out in the a.m.and getting freshly laid chicken eggs-such a treat!

  3. Z Post author

    He just watched, I told him no. He’s pretty good, just impulsive.
    What a nuisance about the rats, we have to wage constant war. With open fields and waterways all around, you can’t eradicate them.

  4. IndigoRoth

    Hey Z! So, no more Rupert? What are you going to do without him? You posted nearly as many self portraits as me while he was with you! He seems a smashing lad! (Please thank him for all your photos, too) Indigo x

    1. Z Post author

      I had his family on holiday in Tunisia desperately missing him, I had to post photos. I really miss him though, especially that moment when he realised I’d woken up in the morning and his face lit up and he came for a cuddle, usually on my face. So sweet. He’ll be back…

  5. LZM

    Just catching up. Out of commission since Friday evening when I retched through my least favorite thing to do for five hours and just started feel myself las tnight . Something I ate or medication reaction? Would blog about it but it is taking some time to catch up on everything.

  6. Z Post author

    Oh, poor you. I wish you would start blogging again though – no need for catching up, just ignore the time missed!


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