1 Driving home from town, I noticed a small boy in a superhero outfit with a blue cloak. He was at a bend on the pavement, waiting for his grandmother who was pushing a pram. The cloak caught the breeze and he was turning to admire the way it blew out in true superhero fashion. It was adorable.
2 I let the chickens out for the day. When they went back, a few didn’t follow. The cock wouldn’t go back either and chivvied his wives back home. He finally followed them back into the run when there were only two errant girls still out. I was charmed. One of the girls has come back since – the other is probably Indi.
3 I should have taken my bike test today but it’s been postponed because my tutor’s mother is very ill – so I’m taking it in early September. It’s all turning into a bit of a slog, but I still hope to get through it. I’m a persistent little thing.
4 I went to fetch some of Jonny’s fine raw milk today. On the way home, a big fox crossed the road. I know that a fox frequents the cornfield behind the annexe, but it doesn’t seem to have come into the garden and there’s no sign of trouble around the hen house.
5 The evenings are getting cold and the heat has gone from the summer. My friend Jack is coming on Wednesday to help me make the tortoise run in the porch. I’ve done as much as I can without resorting to carpentry.
It certainly seems that Autumn has arrived early this year. Some people here have turned on the heating but i hope to avoid that at least until September. Maybe we’ll just light the fire in the evenings if it’s really cold.
Well done for being determined to pass that bike test!
Love that image of the miniature super hero.
It is chilly today. Our weather gadget said 11 Celsius when I looked at it half-an-hour ago, which is well below the day time average for August. I’d be disappointed with that temperature in late September! I did some outdoor chores this morning and was warm enough from moving around but since I came back indoors I am feeling cold.
It’s stupid cold for mid August!! Nine degrees below what it shoud be, and they’re forecasting 4-5c tonight!!!!!
Hm, how’s the relationship between foxes and tortoises ? More on the crunchy side or rather more characterized by mutual neglect ?
That is a nice picture of the small super hero.
Would I be in the house of my grandparents I ‘d have a nice little fire in the evening.
I’ve been remiss, so I’m spending some time this weekend catching up with all my blogger pals, sugar! It helps that it’s over 100F and feels as if it’s 112F outside to keep a girl sitting at her desk reading! xoxoxox (Love the image of the little boy in costume!)
Eek, I’ve been away for so long that I had to put in my password.
The tortoises are in the walled garden and there is no question of them being disturbed by a fox. Not unless it can scale a five foot wall.
Wink here for the weekend, stacks of emails to answer – I’m so sorry, I’m letting the blog go for now.