Z snuggles up with Tilly on the sofa

It’s very quiet around here, as Wink has gone back home to Wiltshire and Weeza and Phil are visiting his parents in the Midlands. I thought you might like to see Zerlina enjoying her Christmas dinner.

I went over to buy the dishwasher and it’ll be delivered on Friday afternoon (that was a non sequitur, by the way).

I shall be very busy next week when Al and family are on holiday, so I’ll do as little as possible before then. Yes, I know it would be sensible to do lots of housework and cooking in advance. Not quite ‘me’ though, is it? – sensible, that is. I do have some things to do first, but they can wait until this evening at least.

That’s about it. The Sage has just brought me a cup of tea. I shall cuddle my dog and read for an hour or so.

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