Z might have had a nap at some time, too

I looked after young Gus today.  As I said  a couple of days ago, he’s had a bad attack of croup – it’s an infection going round, apparently, though he’s not infectious any more.  But his mother had something on at work that she neither felt able to miss nor to cancel and I was free, so I headed over there this morning.

And it was the easiest babysitting I could have had.  He stood for some time watching television (yes, I have no hesitation in using the soothing powers of children’s tv once in a while) and then I realised he was leaning heavily on a table and nearly asleep.  So I scooped him up and sat him by me on the sofa and after a while I suspected he had gone to sleep.  His breathing was very wheezy and I couldn’t recognise the moment when he did actually sleep, I had to use the camera on my phone reversed to see his face.  And he slept for an hour and a half from the time I realised he had dropped off, so it was longer than that.

He woke at 1 o’clock, so I gave him a drink and went to find him some lunch.  Not having expected him to be home, there wasn’t a lot in the fridge, but I gave him some grapes and cucumber to keep him going and then grated him cheese while I cooked some pasta.  Pasta and pesto, the great standby of the modern mother.  He ate a lot of everything, he was very hungry.

And he cheered up by the minute.  So, since he’d cleared his plate, I offered him a chocolate mousse that I found in the fridge.

And that made him really happy.

Rupert also sits very nicely at the dining table, by the way.

Weeza rather enjoyed her meeting.  We emailed each other every so often during the day and she said, at lunchtime, I’m just back from my trog around the estate – 2.5hrs we were poking about hedgerows!!  Excellent stuff though – I love hearing old boys talk about ‘back in the day.'”  Very like her parents, is our Weeza.

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