Z looks forward

A good twelve hours in bed wasn’t quite enough to put me right, but the short nap I took after taking Elle to school was.  I didn’t go to the lecture, which I’m really disappointed to have missed, but I seem to be fine except for an inability to eat meals.  Chocolate biscuits and cake – and a green salad for supper – seem to go down all right.  Oh, and I’ve lost the taste for alcohol.  I trust that is temporary.

Elle brought home her report yesterday and a paper for me to sign confirming she is leaving the school. Each of her teachers had to sign it too and all of them said they’d refuse to do so if it meant that she’d stay.  I think it’s fair to say that she’s popular.  She’s done wonderfully well, moving to a foreign country and staying with a succession of strangers, most regularly with a couple old enough to be her grandparents – well, in the Sage’s case, great-grandparent – and taking several subjects and being successful in them.  She’s coming back in the summer to take the second part of her Psychology AS Level, in fact.  And she may well come back again in July to go with her friends to go to the Latitude festival.  I suspect this will depend on whether her parents stump up the money for a ticket…  As for me, she assures me that her whole family loves me, whether they’ve met me or not.  That is, I’ve only met her dad as yet, though her mum and sister will be coming to stay at the end of next week.

The tickets for the Aldeburgh concerts have arrived, which is very cheering.  I haven’t been for a while, maybe three or four years, and I never used to miss going there.  I didn’t always go to the Festival, though, because June is a busy month – it will be again, but no matter.  Concerts at the Proms in August were easier to be sure I’d be able to go to.  For some years, it was very difficult to go away on holiday at all, and I treated Snape concerts as my summer holiday and went to as many as possible.

6 comments on “Z looks forward

  1. mig

    Oh Z dear, do tuck yourself in and treat yourself gently! If you can’t eat you should be resting till you can.

    Elle sounds like a darling – and how lucky for her that she had you two to stay with.

  2. Z

    It’s proper food, with protein and so on that I can’t face, I’m not going without food. But I have cancelled everything I can.

    They go straight to my head, Rog.

  3. Z

    I had a lovely nap this afternoon, thank you. Apart from taking the Sage to a routine doctor’s appointment, I’ve taken the day off.


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