Z is still stuck

I still feel fine, as long as I’m lying in bed. But as soon as I get up, my blood pressure goes right down. So I haven’t been out and about as much as intended yet. I think I need a good day’s rest and then I can spend tomorrow getting ready to go home on Tuesday. I hope so, anyway. I couldn’t eat any lunch, for which I was very apologetic.

Having said that, the walking is going really well. I went from loo to washbasin without a stick although, when I then saw that the towel was on the rail the other side of the room, I called for help. Honestly, I am being completely sensible. I do not feel I’m in a competition. Afterwards I sat in the chair for a few minutes but soon realised I’d used all my strength and went back to bed. Pathetic.

Now, what is it with this newish thing of signing off from a phone call with “love you lots”? It’s one thing when your sister or a close friend does it, but surely it’s a girl thing anyway? I was totally taken aback when the Sage did it this morning. He’s been using the L word with slightly unexpected frequency recently, but then a certain exrra emotionalism is quite acceptabe in circumstances like these, but I’ve known him 40 years and I’ve never heard him say that before.

32 comments on “Z is still stuck

  1. Z

    Oh love, you’ve met him – do you think he’s ever ‘tried’ to be cool? Mind you, for years he has worn odd socks and hasn’t worn a wristwatch, so he’s well down wid da yoof, trying to be or not.

  2. Sarah

    If The Sage is using the L word, out of character, my guess is he’s done something unspeakable while you’ve been away. Like, ironed a hole in your fave blouse, or burnt the carpet with flying logs, or some other heinous crime. LOL.

  3. Z

    Whatever he’s done, Sarah, it’s unlikely to involve ironing. I think he’s nervous. He’s not used to me like this.

    Dave is being ironic. 4D is making me grin.

  4. Z

    No, but it’s surprising that so many people don’t wear a watch any more when a few years ago almost everyone did. The Sage was in the vanguard there, he hasn’t used one for a long time.

    As for the socks, it started when I couldn’t be bothered to pair them up any more. I’m not his mummy, he’s not a child. However he behaves.

  5. Roses

    Don’t ask me, men are a bit of a mystery.

    I do wear socks but not wristwatches.

    Keeping taking it easy and you’ll be running around in no time. I’m not surprised your blood pressure is a bit low, your body is trying to get over the shock of the assault.

  6. Dave

    I always wear a watch (except in bed) and matching socks (except in bed). But then, as I may have mentioned before, Miss Popular Culture and I haven’t yet been introduced.

  7. Z

    Until a few weeks ago, I always wore a watch except in the bath. But I’ve stopped doing so. Miss Popular Culture would love to meet you, Dave. But you hide when she calls.

    Are you telling me you go about in public with naked feet?

    I know it’s a matter of time, Roses. And it’s entirely sensible to stay in hospital another day. Sensible. Bah.

    Men. Don’t get me started.

  8. Marion

    Been away for a day, so was shocked that you and “that Dave” will have to be supervised. Your low blood pressure might be used as your excuse, but he must just be naturally naughty. Try to think about philosophy or sewing your own clothing. Anyway, love you lots.

  9. martina

    The blood pressure thing will go away soon. Your body is just trying to recover from the surgery and get recalibrated. It sounds like you are pacing yourself and not over or under doing it. Once you get home you will recover very quickly.

  10. Z

    Thanks, Martina. It’s a bit disappointing to have to stay an extra night because of it and I’m mightily tired of lying on the bed, when I’d prefer to sit up in a chair, but no point in fussing and the main thing is that I’m walking well.

  11. luckyzmom

    Sorry about the BP thing. Perhaps without it you would over do:D

    I found getting out of bed the most uncomfortable for at least a week, even when they brought in the trapeze like contraption, tho that did help. It made adjusting myself in bed easier too.

    Your positive attitude will be the best tool for your speedy recovery. I continue to send healthy vibes your way.

    Oh, and by the way “love you lots”!

  12. Z

    Just woke up at 2.30am and fancied (and ate) a banana. First time I’ve been hungry. Excellent.

    It’s getting the wedge between my legs (yes, Dave, my legs are still apart) out of the way without being allowed to reach down to it that’s hardest. And sometimes a nurse has to live the bad leg when I get back in. I haven’t used a pulley though.

    All part of life’s learning experience, hey?

    Love you lots, sweetie xx

  13. Z

    He’ll be getting all emotional at this rate!

    Simon you old cynic – I take far too much of his time and devotion for that.

    I’m very well today thanks, BW

  14. Z

    It’s to keep the legs from crossing and from me accidentally turning on my side in the night. Did you have to sleep on your back?

  15. Eddie 2-Sox

    The whole situation is a natural breeding ground for inuendo. I think you, Z, and us, the Great Unwashed, have been remarkably restrained.

    And I would slap The Sage around the chops if he even considered an affair. You’re steak.

  16. Z

    Righto, I think I can turn that into a compliment, Simon. If I turn my head and squint a bit.

    I think he’s said it enough to last a year or two now, Christopher. Though he may mutter gruffly that he’s missed me.

  17. luckyzmom

    I didn’t have to sleep on my back. I was not suppose to turn my toes outward, kick my operated leg out to the side, kick it behind, or cross my legs at the knees or ankles until my doctor gave me permission (which was about one week). I had to extend my operated leg to the front when I sat down. It was very important for a week or so to sit in chairs with arms to support myself getting up and down.

    I also did exercises. The first was to paddle my feet up and down, left one then right one, left one then right one, several times a day.

    When it was no longer necessary for me to use the oxygen, I had to blow into a contraption that measured how strong I was able to blow, at least every hour. I did it more often. I think you understand!

    Though I slept on my back the first day, it would have been difficult for me to sleep if I was only allowed to lay on my back. I think it was because of the difference in the surgical approaches.

  18. Z

    That’s really interesting. There’s a whole list of things I’m not allowed to do for 6 weeks, nearly all because of the risk of dislocation (if those of you fond of innuendo are wondering, yes, that’s included). Then a few things for another 6 weeks, by which time it should be as strong as it will ever be.


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