Never mind about ants, it would just be a grumble and it’s generally better to deal with a nuisance and move on.
I had a meeting this morning to hand over the Safeguarding Governor paperwork and info, which was fine. And we were just finishing when a number of governors, including the Head, burst into the room. I was too startled to do anything but gawp. And darlings, it was a stitch-up. I had missed the final governors’ meeting, so they ambushed me anyway and gave me a present, card and hugs and so on. I nearly cried. I was given a present last year, when I stood down as chairman, and a lunch and nice things were said, I had no thought of anything more. Apparently, I caused some consternation when I gave my apologies for the meeting as they had planned lunch and cake. They know the way to my heart, clearly.
Later, LT and I finished weeding the flowerbed by The Wall and then drove to the tip, then finished clearing the bedroom where Stuff from the clearing of the attic had been put. Then Roses’ Boy carried some heavy things for me, I phoned people to tell them I needed stuff shifted, in two cases, and to ask nicely for help in a third. JFDI really does work.
I also gave all the tortoises a bath and Natasha ate lots of mallow afterwards, both flowers and leaves. I don’t know about the other two, they disappeared into the undergrowth. I haven’t seen much of the Tots recently, it’s got a bit overgrown – which is fine, it means I don’t have to feed them as they can forage, which they prefer on the whole. But they do love eating flowers.