Good Friend Daphne called today on her way home from Bury to Canterbury – so I invited Weeza and Gus over to see her. Daphne and Russell have been friends for over sixty years and she’s Ro’s godmother. We also had Hay here for the day and the two little boys (they’re three months apart in age) were absolutely adorable together. They had earnest little conversations, played co-operatively and behaved beautifully.
In addition, Edweena is eating again, which is good. I wasn’t concerned about her, but she does so enjoy her food that one can’t help being disappointed when she doesn’t want to eat. And – looking for things to be pleased about – I remembered to put out the green wheelie bin last night. We’ve forgotten the black one the last two times, so it’s pretty imperative that we remember next week.
I have various things in the oven, not having been able to get on while Daphne was here, so it’ll be a late night. However, the tables are laid. The first thing I did this morning was sort out the fridge to make room for drinks, which says something about me…and later, Weeza did the hoovering for me, which was very kind.
The other good thing that happened was that we’ve got our house insurance sorted out. There was a bit of a disaster when the renewal letter failed to arrive and so did the reminder – no idea what went wrong there – and we didn’t realise until after the policy was cancelled. I only realised last week. It’s been a bit worrying. But it’s sorted out now and we’ve got better cover for less money, thanks to our excellent agent Steve, whom we’ve known for many years and who has gone to a lot of trouble on our behalf. And I had the road tax reminder (I know it’s not really road tax, but even the DVLA calls it that) today and paid it online straight away, so I don’t have to remember it at the end of the month. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing if you can get it, and every little helps.
I’m here for the crumbs. Have a wonderful day today!
Have a great time!! xx
Hello Z and Russell. My machine is getting worse, and I had to fight my way through in order to leave this as a ‘comment’. Thank you very much for a lovely day yesterday. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Food – excellent. Company – very entertaining. As far as we’re concerned it’s rapidly becoming THE summer event in our social calendar. Thanks again – Ann and Mike.
P.s. If this machine gets ANY worse, I think I’ll have to go back o the dip-in pen means of communication.