I have to enjoy beautiful weather, whatever else happens, because it usually doesn’t last long. All the same, I’ve done some of the intended admin and some other things that just cropped up. The h on my keyboard is reluctant to work now, so if anything doesn’t make sense without it, apologies for not noticing.
A mishap today turned out to be a blessing after all. My login to an email didn’t work and it turned out (I must have been told, but can’t track it down and won’t bother to search harder) that the address had been changed. Then the unchanged (autocorrect is working so far) password didn’t work. Without much hope, I tried to log in to the keychain that I haven’t managed to find the password for, for months and, to my surprise, the first one I tried was correct. I’m not going to overthink this. I’m in and don’t ave to worry any more. And now am in the email account too. I’d missed that one of the schools in our multi-academy trust has had an Outstanding at Ousted. Well done, that’s wonderful, but it’s time that Ofsted was ditched in its present form. It’s turned into a bully. So has the entire government-driven education system, but this isn’t what my fluffy blog is about.
Wink and I are going to London tomorrow for lunch. Yes, a long way for lunch. But hey. I’ve set the alarm for an hour and a half before we need to leave the ouse, not because I take tat long to get ready but because it takes me quite some time to galvanise myself to get out of bed.
I stopped bothering to insert aitches, renewed apologies.
I wis you appy lunc ing !