I’ve got a load of school stuff done plus some emails sent tonight, so I feel more constructive. My early night wasn’t a good idea – I went to sleep, woke after a couple of hours – it didn’t help that the dog imagined danger again and kept barking at intervals until I shouted at him – and only catnapped the rest of the night. Still, no matter. I suppose it was those two hours that I needed.
Tomorrow, I shall buy some Christmas cards. I’ve not really sent them the last few years, but I must reply to any sent to me – assuming I know the address, that is. I’ve no idea where our address book is, I can’t think where Russell put it. By elimination, I know it must be in my study, which is where it’s supposed to be, but it’s not in the right place. Oh well. I’ll write letters and send them when I can. I must write some every night. Nag me if I slip, will you darlings? I won’t take it amiss if you do.
In one of the garages, we found several bottles of good brandy. I never bought multiple bottles, so they must have been bought by my father-in-law more than 30 years ago. They’re fine, I opened one last week and have had another tot tonight. I prefer whisky really, and I’ve got a bottle of Glenmorangie opened, but I’m quite happy with cognac too. Easy-going, me.
Glenmorangie or Laphroaig for me!! xxx
My father used to tell me that there’s no such thing as a bad scotch – it’s just that some are better than others.
As a Lowestoft girl, I like anything smoky, John, including Scotch.
You can go much further wrong with a harsh brandy, can’t you, Mike?