Z cheers up no end

It will give you some idea of my social life when I tell you that, having just been invited round to lovely friends for dinner on Saturday night, I’ve put it in my diary with 2 exclamation marks.

I don’t get out much.

I mean, this evening will be very nice but it’s a bit of a duty thing, and it’s not the same as sitting round a cheery table relaxedly chatting with a few close friends, and we don’t do half enough of that and haven’t for years. We used to. It’s a long but simple story.

10 comments on “Z cheers up no end

  1. Dave

    I went for lunch at a church last week. That was the only social event I have attended this year.

    There are none in my diary (with or without exclamation marks). Your life is therefore at least 100% more exciting than mine.

  2. Z

    Dave was being generous and encouraging to me at his own expense and I appreciate him.

    I hope it’s real coffee and chocolate biscuits, Dotterel.

  3. Dave

    I must admit there is a little of Eeyore in me.

    I wasn’t trying to cadge another meal though.

    The roast beef and all the trimmings I got on Sunday (I must admit I was expecting quiche and a salad when I heard they were having a lunch at the church after my service) has set me up for the next few months.

  4. Z

    Not at all, dear Dandy, bracing is good. And so is Eeyore, whose greatness is only challenged by Piglet’s charm. None of the rest do I truly love.

    Of course you weren’t, Dave, I didn’t think you were.

    D’you know, John, time was when I propped up the bar at the Queen’s every Sunday lunchtime. Now I visit about twice a year, which is just one of the reasons I’ll be glad when I’m not a churchwarden any longer.

    I think the Sage will drive home on Saturday, Preach. We have hospitable friends, but he doesn’t care for whisky which is likely to end the evening.


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