
The iPad is useful to download attachments, I bought Pages and Numbers and download documents to one, spreadsheets to the other and PDFs go onto iBooks.  Then I don’t have to print documents and they’re always to hand.  Of course, it would be just the same for a laptop, netbook or whatever – but when you buy your iPad and are told it isn’t a storage device, it can be.  And there are apps such as Noteshelf where you can write with your finger or a stylus which is convenient – untidy, has to be said, but useful for quick notes.

Anyhoo, enough of that.  Um.  Sorry darlings, nothing interesting has happened today.  I went to get my hair cut, came home and continued to sort out my wardrobe.  The good thing is that the ironing basket has been cut down to – well, to a single basket.  It contains a whole lot of dinner napkins and three of the Sage’s shirts and some handkerchiefs.  I’ve got a lot of napkins.  I’ve told my children that they can each expect a good four dozen as their inheritance when I die.  They all wished me long life and good health.  The less good news is that I’ve now got an awful lot of unironed clothes hanging in my wardrobe.  Every time I dress I shall have to switch on the iron first – and, more to the point, use it.

I weighed myself this morning.  Joy, darlings, total joy.  Not only have I lost the pound I gained in India, but a couple more besides.  I celebrated by cutting off the buttons on my jeans and sewing them on again half an inch in.  Yes, I was wearing the jeans at the time.  But at least I threaded the needle first time, which I thought wasn’t bad really, as my sight isn’t what it was, now I have slight astigmatism.  I never thought my short sight would let me down and am reluctant to admit it.

I had my hair cut slightly shorter before I went to India to be easier to look after and I will keep it that way, at least for the summer.  It’s not a lot of difference, not an inch in it, but I think it’s okay.  I’ve kept the fringe at the same length.  Anything to hide the wrinkles, darling.  Or some of them, at any rate.

8 comments on “Wrinkles

  1. savannah

    *i can’t think about programs now*

    i’ve been thinking about cutting my hair again, sugar! it’s just so wild and lively in this weather, but i know i’ll regret it immediately if i do… cheers on the lost pounds! i think i might have found them for you tho… ;~) xxoxoxoxo

  2. Z

    Well,I said to my hairdresser, in the heat of Madras my hair may have gone limp but at least it isn’t frizzy. Not a trace of curl, ever.

    You’re very welcome to them and I’ve got a few more to spare if you like, darling!

  3. martina

    My now 96 year old Aunt has always stated she doesn’t want to lose weight-because her wrinkles would be more noticeable.

  4. martina

    My now 96 year old Aunt has always stated she doesn’t want to lose weight-because her wrinkles would be more noticeable.

  5. Z

    Well, they say you have to choose between your face and your figure. Still to do so when you’re 96 is pretty impressive.

  6. allotmentqueen

    Isn’t cutting down the ironing basket by just hanging things up unironed cheating?

    Dangerous thing to do – sewing on jeans buttons whilst wearing them. Could easily incorporate your belly button too.

  7. Z

    Yes. Pfft. At least they’re my own clothes, I will iron the Sage’s before hanging them up.

    I love to live dangerously, dearest.

  8. Wrinkles

    This article has guide how to effectively use the knowledge about wrinkles and in agree with majority of information which is quite easy to understand.


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