The other side of the country again…

We are home again, having had a fabulous week by the Welsh seaside.  Although it’s only ten o’clock it’s too late for me to tell you about it tonight.  Lovely Tim has written a couple of blog posts I think, though I haven’t read them yet.

LT also cooked dinner this evening.

All is healthy in the greenhouse, though the courgettes in the garden have turned to marrows.  Lots of ripe tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and so on – we must eat mostly vegetables for the next week.  I daresay there are plenty of beans too.  Three eggs today.  This indicates a certain casualness – I have several hens who sit in nest boxes all day but very rarely lay any eggs, but then it’s all right to be relaxed once you’re old, I suppose.  Anyway, I gave the eggs to Zerlina and Gus so that their mother can make them pancakes tomorrow.  And tomorrow, I will write a more purposeful blog post, I hope.

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