Resolutions won’t keep themselves

The Sage, as you probably know by now, is a pensioner. He refuses to have his state pension paid into the bank as he likes to feel the crisp notes in his hand, having paid for them many times over through the years. He fetches it every fortnight so that there’s a decent amount to share – he’s a fair man and he splits it with me. Today he came in clutching a larger bundle than usual.

“I was given an extra £50” he said. “What for?” “I don’t know.” “Maybe Gordon wants you to like him so you’ll vote for him?” “Hmm”. Anyway, I’ve an extra £25 to play with. Whoopee!

Today, I was hurrying around getting ready to go out when I realised I had to print out a sheet of names. The paper went in askew and jammed, so I took it out, straightened the rest, tried again, it did the same. I fed in a single sheet and it printed, so I grabbed the paper and left. Later, I had more printing to do. It said there was paper blocking it, but nothing I could see. I peered into the machine, using a torch. I swore, I grumbled, what more can a woman do? Well, turn it upside down and shake. Nothing fell out, but it’s worked since then.

I’ve bought some music (well, sent for it), in line with my Resolutions. Gordie suggested Satie, some of whose music I have, or Part, whose I haven’t, and Ad suggested Tallis. They have all been mentally marked and thank you, but on this occasion I have randomly picked Mahler and Shostakovich, as I’m woefully ignorant of much of their music and that’s a rather large gap. It’s a bit shaming that the only Mahler I know is the background music to Death in Venice and that I’ve only been to one Shostakovich concert, where I learned that at one time, unpopular with the Soviet authorities, he used to wait on the landing outside his flat every night so that, if he was arrested as he was sure he would be, his children would not be frightened.

The scarf is half the length it will be. And as for poetry, I think I’ll start with something shortish.

This, for instance?
The Long-Nosed Fair

Once on a time I fair Dorinda kiss’d,
Whose nose was too distinguish’d to be miss’d;
My dear, says I, I fain would kiss you closer,
But tho’ your lips say aye–your nose says, no, Sir.–
The maid was equally to fun inclin’d,
And plac’d her lovely lily-hand behind;
Here, swain, she cry’d, may’st thou securely kiss,
Where there’s no nose to interrupt thy bliss.

11 comments on “Resolutions won’t keep themselves

  1. martina

    I’d send you some of the sheet music I have but it is a Sousa march folio or nostalgic tunes from the first half of the 20th century. Examples “When that Midnight Choo,Choo, Leaves for Alabam'”, “Blinky Moon Bay” and “Someday I’ll Learn to Forget You (Just When You Start Loving me)” Pardon any incorrect punctuation.

  2. Z

    Do you play it yourself, Martina? The poem is Christopher Smart, Ad’s recommendation. He was around in the middle of the 18th century and he was a very devout Christian.

    The Sage may have said £60, Dave, in which case I have an extra £30. Since we don’t actually need it, it’s just another way of the PM (for I don’t think the Chancellor has much say in things) squandering money the country doesn’t have. Ironic that he spent several years misusing our money in his anxiety to become PM and it all fell apart just as he got the job.

  3. Dave

    The annoying thing is that pensioners who haven’t actually reached the age of 60 don’t get any of the perks of those who have.

    No free bus pas, heating allowance, £60 bribes for me.

  4. The Dotterel

    Devout, but also slightly dotty Christian, if I remember rightly (Kit Smart, that is – although it might equally do for the Prince of Charles). ‘For I will consider my cat Jeoffrey, for he is the servant of the living God’ indeed!

    As for the music, there’s nothing like jumping in at the deep end is there, Z? Didn’t buy Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand, did you? If so, I hope you’re not busy for about a month!

  5. Z

    I think his father had him committed to a mental institution because of his religious fervour, didn’t he? Cat Jeoffrey is a bit hard to learn…actually, most of his is. I’m looking for something to succeed at here.

    Yes, I always jump in at the deep end. I didn’t start with the Symphony of a Thousand, though.

    And by the way, I spent the Brown Bribe on CDs.

  6. martina

    Z-no. I do have a piano but can only plunk out a few tunes with the right hand. Can’t get left hand going at same time and then I get frustrated.

  7. Blue Witch

    Yep, it was £60, and I totally agree with your comment about Golden Brown. Like non-means tested heating allowances (also paid to any OAPs living int he EU area) it is a total waste of today’s tax-payers’ money. Like most governmint expenditure then.


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