I’ve been too busy to look into the uses of 18th century sauceboats as yet, I’m afraid – LT having scoffed at my theory – because we’ve had young Zerlina and Gus to stay for the last few days. Weeza is working tomorrow and they don’t start school until Thursday. Always a pleasure, of course, to have them, though Gus has recently been scared at night time – a goblin and ghoulie sort of thing, that most children go through at one time or another. He was just starting to be worried about scary things (there is no reason for this, it’s just happened) when he saw a Thomas the Tank Engine episode where one of the engines was spooked by a terrifying Thing. No doubt it came good in the end, but Gus didn’t take that in, only the fearfulness. So it’s been difficult to get him to sleep. It wasn’t because his parents weren’t here, he was just as frightened the night they were. So it takes an hour or two, but then he sleeps through and is perfectly happy in the morning. Anyway, it was really the wrong end of the day yesterday and I had to have a very early night. I still get very tired and I’m pretty sure I’m quite anaemic. It doesn’t matter, even if I were at work I’d still be off for another three weeks or so and I’ll bounce back, especially under LT’s tender care.
I’m so looking forward to having a bath. It’s my dream. It’s a really nice shower, but a bath is so much better. But I’m doing really well and there’s no hint of a grumble, I’m just glad and grateful. And impatience is a good sign, means I’m looking forward…
Which I am, because I always do.
And this year I hope to make memories and have a lovely time.