
I had a post in my mind, but events have pushed their way in front of it.  So it will wait.  It’s waited eight years already, and three since I said I’ll write about it.

I was cooking dinner and Wink was reading the paper.  She observed that the first Indiana Jones film was on.  We realised that it couldn’t all be watched, but I said that I could work dinner around the first few minutes – that is, leave it while the (rather awful, actually) tomb-robbing sequence was going on, then I could dish up and we could see the rest after we’d eaten.

I was just heading back to the kitchen when the Sage asked me if I could spare a couple of minutes.  My time is counted in individual minutes, I couldn’t really but the Sage comes first so I went with him … it was a not good idea which he and Jamie had cooked up while I was out.  I said, I don’t think so, but let me dish up those slightly blackened sweet potatoes first and we’ll talk about it.

The upshot was, I had a better idea and now he’s all enthusiastic.  It is something for next year in my view, no hurry.  But he’s happy again and that’s the main thing.  It’s the placing of the summerhouse, you see.  It is a very old summerhouse, that belonged to his grandparents.  It’s a revolving one.  It was brought here from their garden some 60 years ago and, the year after we moved here, we took it apart, repaired it, put it together again (that was hard work) and I stripped it all down to bare wood with a hot air gun (that was hard work) and primed, undercoated and top-coated it again.  That was a lot of work and, actually, the top coat had to wait until the next year because I ran out of autumn.  It’s back to square one again now.  I have repainted it in the meantime, but mole-works meant that its circular base slipped and we couldn’t fully open the doors, and so didn’t use it and it’s degenerated again.  The Sage was doubtful that it needed to be on the lawn and I agree, but didn’t like his suggested placing.  So – because quick thinking is my mezzo-forte, I came up with a better place.  So that may well be it.  But the project is a way off.  There was certainly no need to take me out for a snap decision this evening … but, how can one mind enthusiasm?  I love enthusiasm.  It defines me, I think.  I am a passionate Z.

17 comments on “PaZZion

  1. Z

    I hope you have a happy holiday weekend, Gledwood. I am lucky. My enthusiasms are not compulsive or followed by depression. But they are not as high as yours are. There’s no right answer.

  2. Z

    Yes we did, we used it for some years although it became progressively more difficult as the Sage kept piling more stuff in there that had to be removed every summer. It has been the last few years that we haven’t been able to use it.

    It is all bolted together, so it’s possible to dismantle it but it’s extremely heavy. I remember four of us heaving on ropes getting the roof in place last time. I can ask you what you think about its placing when you’re here for the party.

  3. Marion

    I can’t imagine what a rotating summerhouse could be. When you have a chance, you might photo it? Whatever it is, it sounds wonderful.

  4. Z

    There is a circular iron track and wheels under the summerhouse fit into it, and you can easily swing it around, although it is too heavy to move by itself. However, it needs to be absolutely level to work and the moles have made the base shift. Since the working mechanism is underneath, it wouldn’t show in a photo. It’s about 8 foot square.

    Dave, the thickness of bricks would make it much smaller. And it would need a reinforced base. And why have a mechanised turning mechanism when a wooden house can be turned with one hand? You’ve had a funny turn too many, dear heart (thank you, Mike).

  5. 63mago

    I got it – it’s great. If done right – as you say – it can be floated by one hand. I wonder whether others survived? Do you know of other examples? I know of a collection of historical “garden houses” in another town, but none of it is moveable.
    A line could be drawn from renaissance garden houses through the Baroque to 19th century inventions, just an idea. These small buildings fount some interest in the last years, I remember there was a thesis, but I have to search for it – ha!

  6. Z

    Mago, I hadn’t been thinking of its historical aspect, but of course you’re right. It is very old. It was moved here, decades ago, from the Sage’s grandparents’ garden. I’ll see if he can work out its age.

  7. Rosie

    Oh, I remember one in a Scottish town where I grew up. I thought it was wonderful even though I never got to see inside. I would still like one as a studio!

  8. Z

    The Sage says that his maternal grandfather moved here on his retirement in 1925, and had it made then. In 1932, his wife died and he moved house and then it was dismantled and moved here. Although it does look dilapidated now, it’s basically sound and can certainly be renovated, it’s no worse than when we did so before. It looks too scruffy for a photo to do it justice now, but I’ll post photos when the time comes.

    It would make a great studio, just a good size and one could move it for the best light. Bit chilly in winter though.

  9. Blue Witch

    One of my Nice Lady friends and her farmer husband (now retired), who have a similarly old house and family history, also have one that I have always admired. He has obsessively maintained it, and it is hard to believe it is nearly 100.


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