Once you have found him, never let him go. To misquote slightly.

We’ve started on another marathon weed-clearing exercise.  This was done a month ago, but they’ve grown back, as weeds do, over the last couple of weeks.  And we’ve cleared three beds in the kitchen garden, but there are a few more to go.  The beds are 4 feet wide and 30-something feet long, which is very practical for growing vegetables but quite a lot to keep in trim.

Having worked assiduously for a couple of hours this morning, we thought we’d go to the pub for a beer.  And we swept up Roses to take with us, which was both a brilliant idea and a bit of a boo-boo, because it meant we had three drinks instead of one and then we arrived home and went on to wine.  And then we sang.  And danced.  And, I should have said at the start, we played music throughout.

It could well be that we don’t let go enough.  I remember Lovely Tim’s birthday party, the second time I met him (after the blog party) when I reckoned I’d never meet any of those people again, except possibly Tim himself, and put on the persona of the life and soul of the party.  It was a front: I don’t usually enter into the spirit of an occasion quite that much.  That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t – but prolly (as the young people said a year or two ago) it isn’t a good idea every day.  Anyway, Roses and Tim and I have laughed and let go of all our tensions – and then were sensible and fed animals.  Seems okay.

4 comments on “Once you have found him, never let him go. To misquote slightly.

  1. Carol

    I have been reading your blog for quite some time. I have never commented before. Just wanted to tell you I look forward to seeing your posts. You have such a different life than I ..and seems so many interests and energy to go along with them all. Thank you. I was born in England during the war but came to Canada when 9 months old.

    1. Z Post author

      Carol, what a lovely thing to say, thank you so much. I have always thought of this blog as my “happy place” – not that every post is, but I try to think of positive, cheerful things to write about as much as possible and, actually, it makes me want to live up to it. I used to write every day for a long time and have rather let go of that, because Tim and I tend to chat for a long time over dinner and there isn’t enough evening left at the end, but I do still enjoy it.

  2. Chairwoman Ros

    It is a Happy Place, Zoe. You have managed womanfully to keep it light, even when it was less so than you would have us believe. I still check in most days.

    And now it’s not only here that you have a Happy Place.

    1. Z Post author

      Although I reminisce, I don’t look back. I’ve always – or for many years, anyway – tried to find what’s good in the here and now. Tim and I both feel very lucky to have found and recognised each other.


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