The new printer arrived today, having only been ordered yesterday afternoon. Very impressed. Al offered to set it up for me and it is working. Huzzah!
The new phones arrived too. I probably didn’t say – not over-impressed as I’ve only had them a couple of years, but one handset stopped charging and then the main hub stopped working, making the whole thing useless. However, new ones now charging, so I won’t have to rely on a single corded phone any more.
The sun came out this afternoon and it was warm all day, if wet this morning.
I always felt that Nutella and crunchy peanut butter should be a match made in heaven. They are. I knew it on the first spoonful, but tested for a while longer, to be quite sure.
I’m planning a visit to my friend Irene in Maastricht next month.
Nutella ! Apage satanas !
On hot buttered toast. Perhaps with a drip of cherry marmalade. Cherry marmalade goes with anything btw. imho. just saying.
There are some foods … one (me !) can’t resist, and it’s only over when it’s over, when the glass is empty, the last chip is crunched, the last whitebread is toasted, the last “mon chery” is gulped down … you get the idea … the last Prinzenrollenkeks is covered in cherry marmalade and / or nutella and / or dunked in cacao …
But I never understood peanut butter, regardless in what form it came along. I know that some adventurous people even use it in cooking, but again – I stand in awe.
Maastricht must be a nice old town, I think there is a museum for printing there (among more interesting things to see), but may be wrong.
I hate peanut butter with a vengeance!!!
TA – I’m too silly to close my tags !
Crunchy peanut butter – yummy! Love it!!! But we can’t get it here. The children bring back ONE large jar when they go to England and it disappears in a matter of days but as I’m not petite like you I know I can’t afford to indulge on a daily basis. Never tried it with Nutella but I’m sure I’d be hooked.
Not a lover of peanut butter myself, although I do like peanuts and I’ve got a recipe for a kind of posh flapjack that has peanut butter in it and is yummy. I don’t like Nutella either – I prefer my chocolate spread without nuts.
An autumnal trip to Maastricht sounds like an excellent idea. I hope you have a lovely time.
I don’t like peanut butter on bread, only when scoffed straight out of the jar and it has to be crunchy. I can’t remember the last time I ate it though, must be years. I wouldn’t like Nutella without the nuts, I don’t think. I daren’t eat either on a regular basis, though – bear in mind that I’ve lost more than two and a half stone in the last seven years, very slowly.