Monday morning.

This food diary is a bit of a thing. I’m out of bread so haven’t bothered to eat breakfast this morning and have just squeezed a couple of oranges and eaten a plum. I feel I should be a better example.

The Sage has letters for me to write, but he has gone out. Someone called round to see him, so I’ve said call back in a few minutes. Then the Sage will talk to him instead of telling me about the letters.

I feel that it is not going to be a very productive morning.

I will do housework until he’s ready for me to start. How dull and yet how useful. I will be glad of it later, I daresay.

7 comments on “Monday morning.

  1. Wendz

    Actually I think a fruit breakfast is excellent…I wish I could do it – but if I do eat breakfast, which is not that often, I tend to eat pain au chocolate.

  2. How do we know

    Hi Zoe.. was here… and just wanted to say Hi!! 🙂 Trust things are good for you.. and hope the Battle of the Bloggers brings back some really good news..

    I am usually too tired to blog these days, so am waiting for the fatigue to wear off.. am told it will be a few more weeks!

  3. PI

    We are in reverse. If a hand written lstter is required I mostly have to ask MTL tto do it thanks to arthritic thumb – musn’t grumble !*#*$!

  4. Z

    Hello HDWK – I’ve been thinking about you. I had a quick look at your last post, but didn’t have time to comment then. If that’s what you write when you’re tired.

    Hope you feel back on form soon.

    Pat, I grumble like anything. Squeaky gates get oiled, you know (well oiled if they’re lucky!)

  5. maggie

    i understand the sage is in favor of procrastination, eh?

    ahhhh, i do like unproductive mornings sometimes. especially mondays. its too early for the week to start getting too productive!

  6. Z

    Maggie, in the end I just wrote the letter and left it for him to okay. It had been waiting a week already.

    Yes, I always used to do my housework on a Monday morning as the day was such a dull one! Now I catch up on emails for the first couple of hours and the house is a lot dustier.


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