Like a dog

I was just on my way to bed when I realised that something was lacking in my day.  So here I am.

I have got quite a lot done this evening actually – not the things I intended to do, but anything achieved makes one feel better.  And, having gone through the matters I referred to yesterday, there was actually very little that I hadn’t filled in, it just needed checking.  Next time, I’ll print out a paper copy first and make notes on that of what changes have been made as I go along.  I’ve been using different colours on the document, but actually I’m old enough to be reassured by paper and pencil, and it can be less fiddly than using several documents on the screen at the same time.

The main job is still to come, but I hope to concentrate on that tomorrow.  Several people have still failed to send me the information I need, so I’ll start by sending out emails, and try to work out how to use the programme (it’s a PDF rewriter called Nuance) in the meantime.  I can’t remember if I said, so sorry if I’m repeating myself, but I’m going to have to use the Sage’s laptop so have the added trickiness of using a pc instead of my Mac, so I have to think about how to do all the things that usually come naturally to me.  This isn’t a pc/Mac argument, it’s just what one’s used to is easier, especially when learning something extra.

It’s a funny thing, how perspective changes over a day or two.  Nothing has really got any more sorted, but I feel more in control again.  It’s specious really – if I can’t work out this programme I’ll be in trouble – but I’m sort of assuming I can.  I can only be anxious for a while and then I just get over it.  I think that’s true in general, our brains naturally try to adjust to circumstances and normalise whatever’s happening.  It’s only when you get beyond your ability to cope that you fail to do that – whether circumstances beyond your control take over or whether you are ill, depressed or overstressed.

I read a book on dog behaviour – that is, managing your dog’s behaviour, and it said that a dog adjusts to new circumstances within four (I think) days.  So, if there’s a major change, you might as well do it all at once, because otherwise, if you do it in stages, the dog will have to keep learning and being surprised.  I doubt we’re much different from dogs, in that respect.

6 comments on “Like a dog

  1. Z

    Mago, dear, I admire someone who can achieve a witty play on words in a language not his own.

    Dave, I was overstressed for nine years, culminating in my mother’s death. It took me three years and four months to recover. I was depressed, but only because of that; I didn’t suffer from a depressive illness. And I wasn’t even physically ill. I used to be anxious too. I hope you will recover as I did.

    That’s it, Roses, I hope that too – but I’m rather over-relying on it, to be truthful. And I feel fine, thanks. Right back to normal (!)


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