I’m a bit busy this evening, and hoping for an early night as well, but I’m wondering if anyone would like a ticket for the Hockney exhibition at the Royal Academy? Wink bought it before we were invited to India and has sent it to me to see if I can place it. Thing is, it’s for Easter Sunday, 8th April, at 2.30 pm and it’s a senior ticket, though I suppose someone younger could pay the extra, so a lot of people will be visiting family. If you would like it, please email me asap, first come first served and I’ll post it to you.
After all the work of yesterday, the documents went awry in the ether and I received several apologetically complaining emails to say that their data had become corrupted. So I got tough with the bloody thing and have asserted my authoritay and it’s all okay now. I’m not being beaten by a stupid incompetent computer programme (though at one point I did have to turn it off and on again). And since, of course, a few people have sent me the documents they didn’t get around to before – no complaints, I know what it’s like and we’re all volunteers – so I’m having to return to it again now. So no great news from the Zedary. Tomorrow night, I’m staying with Weeza so will post from my iPad I expect. Unless we’re talking too much, in which case please excuse me.
Are you sure you can afford to post that ticket?
Have fun with Weeza!
No plans to go anywhere near London over Easter. But thanks for the offer. You’re such a sweetie.
I’m booked for next week but thanks for offer!
So am I – fully. The annoying thing is that we plan to be in London ten days later – Curses, curses.
P.s. But – as Rog says and I should have- Thanks for the offer. –
Darlings, we talked too much. Sorry!