The gorgeous Bakewell pudding on the left and the delicious pineapple fruit cake in front of it were made, respectively, by Ann and Madeleine – I ate a slice of each.
Today, we went to visit Weeza and co. Phil was taking part in the Norfolk 100 cycle ride from Norwich to the north Norfolk coast and back – he was more than an hour slower than last year’s time because he was cycling leisurely with a friend and they took a whole 5 hours and 10 minutes to cycle their 100 miles. After that he biked home (another 5 miles, uphill) and we went to the village pub for lunch.
Tomorrow, Wink will leave too. It’ll be so dull and quiet, just the Sage and me.
Which reminds me, the Sage has been brilliant. He doesn’t read any blogs at all, not even mine, but he takes both my blogging and my internet friendships in his stride, welcomes my friends and takes them as his own too, and has been such a help in getting ready for the party. I appreciate it so much.
Just to finish with, a big smile from Augustus, who has four arms, one tooth, unruly hair and ears that need some growing in to.