Lovely day, very good lunch and I sat with friendly people, then went to excellent lecture. And I’ll tell you about it another time. I’m not sure what happens to the time in the evenings, but by the time I sit down to write, it’s half past eleven and I’d be better going to bed.
Good news from Weeza, their new floor will be laid next week. That means they must paint the room this weekend, so could Granny do a spot of babysitting? Even better, I suggested Zerlina and Gus come here for a couple of nights, so that’s what will happen.
And I plan to be off to Shropshire next week for a short break.
I’m not even making it to 10 pm most days!
Have fun in Shropshire darling! xxx
The ‘bedtime’ thing gets worse as you get older. I tend to be saying goodnight on my blog entries at about nine p.m. these days.
P.s. ‘earlier’ perhaps rather than ‘worse’.
See you next week, then! 🙂 xx
I need hours to unwind before going to bed – sadly, that didn’t do the trick last night and I didn’t sleep. Oh well, I will tonight.
Lovely, John, I’ll email and make arrangements to suit you. Really looking forward to meeting you xx
I didn’t sleep well last night either, but I put that down to having guests for the evening and eating far too much.
Shropshire is a lovely part of the country. I hope you get some dry, bright weather in which to enjoy it.
That would be enough for me too, Liz. I’m quite cross with myself. And yes, I’m really looking forward to it.