Two early starts, so I sloped off to bed in good time in readiness, which meant no blogging. I can see why people fall by the blogside in such numbers, but that truly is not what I wish to happen.
I did some Governor training this morning – Named Safeguarding Governor training, to be accurate – and it was done excellently. I have done a lot of governor training over the past twenty-seven and a half years and it’s been of immensely variable quality, but this was among the best. And the flapjacks were nice too. Those who’d booked had cancelled in droves over the last few days, so there were only seven of us there and we were all experienced governors who clearly knew quite a lot, so any questions were pertinent and thought through, and the trainer whipped through the whole thing in two and a half hours instead of three and a half (the format allowed for two coffee breaks, which we clearly didn’t need). We got coffee and yummies and scooted straight back, to finish asap. I am going to get a sustificate and everything, as long as I remember my log-in to governor training.
This afternoon, I did a bit more office sorting-out. This is taking weeks and I will – I jolly well will – end up with a tidy study at the end of it. I was putting CDs on a shelf today. LT watched me. Apparently, we’ve a fair bit of music in common, though he’s got a lot more than I have, and more of mine is classical. He hasn’t got a Singing Postman CD, though.
AAArrrgh! (Hope I’ve pronounced that correctly.)
What? I referred to the divine Postie in my second blog post evah. He is beyond criticism!
You are Mollie Windley!
Can yew bring it with yew?
I smokes like a chimbley!
I’ve put it in my handbag.
I shall always remember the warm glow as I watched Z put it on the shelf and recalled that she doesn’t currently possess a CD player.
That dun’t stop me playing mewsic, my man. I’ve got one of them new-fangled compooter thingies.
It’s not just CD’s
I’ve got a record player – in the attic!